
Concerns Grow Over Migrant Workers’ Rights Amid Potential Second Trump Presidency

by Hyacinth

On September 20, 2023, Rosa Sanchez, a 58-year-old farmworker, tragically lost her life while picking carrots at Grimmway Farms in Bakersfield, California. She was fatally struck by a truck in the field, an incident witnessed by her colleague Alejandra Montoya.

Montoya described the moment as shocking, particularly when she was instructed to continue working while Sanchez’s body lay nearby. “I felt a very profound lack of respect for Rosa Sanchez, who had just been killed,” Montoya told Al Jazeera. “They had everyone else literally work around the body. That really emphasized how they care more about the product than about the workers.”

Initially hesitant to speak out due to fears of retaliation, Montoya explained that supervisors often threatened to report workers to immigration authorities if they pushed for better conditions. “They instill fear in anyone who speaks up,” she said. “Anyone who doesn’t agree with the way things are… they’ll just fire them or people will quit to avoid trouble.”


At the time of the accident, Montoya was employed through Esparza Enterprises, a labor contractor common in agriculture. Grimmway Farms denied allegations of threatening employees based on immigration status and stated they have strict policies against retaliation.


The United Farm Workers (UFW) organization highlighted that threats against immigrant workers are common and discourage them from advocating for better wages and working conditions. “A workforce that’s scared of getting deported is one that won’t speak up,” UFW’s communications director Antonio De Loera-Brust explained.

Montoya is now protected from deportation under a program established by the Department of Homeland Security for undocumented immigrants who are victims or witnesses of workplace exploitation. Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su emphasized that workers reporting abuse should not fear for their immigration status.

However, concerns loom over the potential return of harsh immigration policies under a possible second Trump administration. Montoya expressed anxiety about mass deportations and how they could silence workers advocating for their rights.

During Trump’s presidency, significant ICE raids targeted workplaces, leading to widespread fear among immigrant workers. Experts warn that reinstating such policies would further hinder workers from speaking out against unsafe conditions.

In response to the tragic accident involving Sanchez, Cal/OSHA has cited Grimmway Farms and its contractors for serious safety violations related to the incident. Reports indicated that workers were allowed to continue harvesting near the scene of the accident.

Community organizations have condemned these practices and called for better safety regulations in agriculture. They stress that farmworker lives should not be treated as disposable and demand accountability from employers.

As investigations continue into Sanchez’s death and workplace safety conditions, advocates are pushing for stronger protections for farmworkers to prevent future tragedies.

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