
How Much Time Does It Take for Australian PR?

by Hyacinth

Australia is a popular destination for immigrants seeking new opportunities and a high quality of life. One of the most sought-after statuses is Permanent Residency (PR), which allows individuals to live, work, and study in Australia indefinitely. However, the process of obtaining Australian PR can vary widely in terms of time. This article will explore the factors influencing the duration of the PR process and provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect.

Understanding Australian Permanent Residency

What is Australian PR?

Australian Permanent Residency (PR) is a status granted to non-citizens that allows them to live and work in Australia on a permanent basis. PR holders can enjoy many of the same rights as Australian citizens, such as access to Medicare and the ability to travel in and out of the country.

Types of PR Visas

There are several types of PR visas available, including:


Skilled Migration Visas: These include the Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent), Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated), and Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional) visas.


Family Reunion Visas: These include the Subclass 820/801 (Partner) and Subclass 114 (Aged Dependent Relative) visas.

Humanitarian Visas: For refugees and others in humanitarian need.

Factors Affecting the PR Processing Time

Type of PR Visa

The type of PR visa you are applying for plays a significant role in determining how long the process will take. For instance:

Skilled Migration Visas: Typically involve a points-based system and may take between 6 to 12 months from the time of application.

Family Reunion Visas: Processing times can vary significantly depending on the type of relationship and the visa subclass. For example, Partner visas may take between 12 to 24 months.

Humanitarian Visas: Often take longer due to the complexity and thoroughness required in the assessment process.

Completeness of Application

A complete and accurate application will be processed faster. Missing documents, incorrect information, or incomplete forms can lead to delays. Ensure all required documents are submitted and that the application is filled out correctly.

Applicant’s Country of Origin

Processing times can be affected by the applicant’s country of origin due to different levels of security and health checks. Some countries may have longer processing times due to additional checks.

Demand and Quota

Australia has a cap on the number of PR visas issued annually for each visa subclass. High demand can lead to longer waiting times, especially in popular categories.

Health and Character Checks

Applicants are required to undergo health and character assessments. Delays in obtaining medical records or issues arising from the character check can extend the processing time.

Typical Processing Times for Australian PR Visas

Skilled Migration Visas

Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent): The processing time typically ranges from 6 to 12 months.

Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated): Similar to the Subclass 189, the processing time is generally 6 to 12 months.

Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional): Processing times are around 6 to 12 months.

Family Reunion Visas

Subclass 820/801 (Partner Visa): The initial Subclass 820 application processing time is usually 12 to 15 months, followed by the Subclass 801 application, which may take an additional 8 to 12 months.

Subclass 114 (Aged Dependent Relative): This visa can take around 15 to 24 months.

Humanitarian Visas

Subclass 200 (Refugee): Processing times vary widely and can take several years.

Subclass 202 (Global Special Humanitarian): Processing times can also be lengthy, often taking 12 to 24 months.

Steps to Expedite the PR Process

1. Submit a Complete Application

Ensure that all required documents are provided and that the application form is accurately completed. Any missing information or documents can delay the process.

2. Respond Promptly to Requests

Be prompt in responding to any requests for additional information or documents from the Department of Home Affairs. Delays in response can lead to extended processing times.

3. Regularly Check the Status

Regularly check the status of your application through the ImmiAccount portal or contact the Department of Home Affairs if you have concerns about delays.

4. Seek Professional Advice

Consider seeking advice from a registered migration agent or immigration lawyer. They can provide guidance, ensure compliance with all requirements, and help avoid common pitfalls.

see also: How Long Does It Take for Immigration to Respond?


The time it takes to obtain Australian PR varies based on several factors, including the type of visa, the completeness of your application, and your country of origin. While some visas may be processed within 6 to 12 months, others, particularly those involving family reunion or humanitarian issues, may take longer. By submitting a complete application, responding promptly to requests, and seeking professional advice, you can help ensure a smoother and more efficient process.

Understanding these factors and preparing accordingly can help manage your expectations and reduce the waiting period for your Australian Permanent Residency.

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