
How To Become a Permanent Resident in Singapore?

by Hyacinth

Becoming a Permanent Resident (PR) in Singapore is a significant milestone for foreigners who wish to live, work, and enjoy the benefits of this vibrant city-state. While the process may seem complex, understanding the requirements and the various pathways can make the journey smoother. This guide will break down the steps you need to take, the eligibility criteria, and other important aspects of applying for PR in Singapore.

Why Become a Permanent Resident in Singapore?

Becoming a PR in Singapore offers numerous benefits, including:

Work Flexibility: PR holders are not tied to specific work passes, offering flexibility to switch jobs without affecting their residency status.


Access to Public Services: PR holders can access various public services and government benefits, such as healthcare and education.


Opportunity for Citizenship: PR status is often a stepping stone toward Singaporean citizenship, for those who wish to settle permanently.

Family Sponsorship: Once you obtain PR, you can sponsor certain family members to join you in Singapore under Long-Term Visit Pass or PR schemes.

Now, let’s explore the process and pathways to becoming a PR in Singapore.

Eligibility Criteria for Singapore PR

The Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has specific eligibility criteria for PR applications. Here are the main categories:

1. Employment Pass Holders

Foreign professionals working in Singapore under an Employment Pass or S Pass are eligible to apply for PR. To qualify, you typically need to:

Be employed in Singapore for at least six months.

Show consistent employment and a stable income.

2. Spouses and Children of Singapore Citizens or PRs

If you are married to a Singapore citizen or PR, you can apply for PR under the family scheme. Additionally, children of Singaporeans or PRs (either born in Singapore or overseas) may also be eligible.

3. Investors

Foreign entrepreneurs or investors who contribute to Singapore’s economy through investment are eligible for PR under the Global Investor Programme (GIP). This route is ideal for high-net-worth individuals who are prepared to make substantial investments in Singapore.

4. Students

Foreign students who have completed at least two years of study in Singapore may apply for PR, provided they have good academic records and are considered for further integration into society.

5. Aged Parents of Singapore Citizens

If you are the parent of a Singapore citizen, you can apply for PR through the family scheme. This is intended to facilitate family reunification for Singaporeans.

Steps to Apply for Permanent Residency

The application process for PR in Singapore involves several steps, and it is essential to follow them closely to improve your chances of approval.

1. Gather the Necessary Documents

Before starting your application, you will need to gather the required documents. These typically include:

Personal Identification: Passport, birth certificate, and marriage certificate (if applicable).

Proof of Employment: This includes your employment contract, payslips, and tax statements.

Educational Certificates: For professionals, this includes degrees, diplomas, or any relevant qualifications.

Proof of Relationship: For family-based applications, documents showing your relationship to a Singapore citizen or PR, such as marriage certificates or birth certificates for children.

Other Supporting Documents: These may include testimonials from employers, proof of property ownership, and any other documents that demonstrate your ties to Singapore.

2. Submit the Application Online

All PR applications are submitted through the ICA’s e-PR system. You will need to create an account and complete the application form, providing all the required personal and employment details. Upload all the necessary documents in the correct format. Ensure you review your application thoroughly before submitting.

3. Pay the Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee is required when you submit your PR application. The fee is approximately SGD 100 per applicant, though it may vary depending on the category you are applying under.

4. Wait for Processing

Processing times for PR applications can vary, with the average time ranging from six to twelve months. During this period, the ICA will evaluate your application based on factors such as your professional background, contribution to Singapore’s economy, and likelihood of integrating into society.

5. Attend an Interview (If Required)

In some cases, the ICA may require applicants to attend an interview. This is more common for family-based applications or those with unique circumstances. If requested, prepare thoroughly and present yourself well during the interview.

6. Receive the Outcome

Once the ICA has processed your application, they will inform you of the outcome via mail. If your application is approved, you will be required to complete additional formalities, such as submitting biometric data and receiving your PR card.

Factors that Affect PR Approval

Not all applications for PR are approved, and certain factors can significantly influence your chances of success. Understanding these factors can help strengthen your application.

1.Employment Stability and Income

Your employment record and income level are important criteria in determining your eligibility for PR. Applicants with stable, long-term employment and higher income are typically viewed more favorably, as they are seen as contributing more to Singapore’s economy.

2. Family Ties in Singapore

Having close family ties in Singapore can increase your chances of approval. This includes being married to a Singapore citizen or having children who are citizens or PRs. Family-based applicants are often given priority, as family reunification is an important aspect of Singapore’s immigration policy.

3. Duration of Stay in Singapore

The longer you have lived and worked in Singapore, the more integrated you are considered to be. Applicants who have spent several years contributing to the country through work or education often have a better chance of securing PR status.

4. Community Involvement

Active participation in community events, volunteer work, or social organizations in Singapore can reflect positively on your application. It shows a commitment to becoming part of Singaporean society, beyond just professional or economic contributions.

What Happens After Becoming a Permanent Resident?

Once your application for PR is approved, you will be issued an Entry Permit, which acts as your PR status. From here, you enjoy various benefits, but there are also responsibilities you must uphold.

1. Re-Entry Permit

As a PR, you need to renew your Re-Entry Permit (REP) every five years to maintain your status when traveling in and out of Singapore. Failure to renew your REP will result in the loss of your PR status if you leave the country.

2. National Service

For male PRs, the Singapore government requires participation in National Service (NS). Male children who obtain PR through their parents are also required to serve in NS once they reach the eligible age, as a duty to the country.

3. Tax Obligations

As a PR, you are subject to the same tax laws as Singapore citizens. This means that you will need to pay income tax based on your salary and other earnings in Singapore. However, PRs are also eligible for tax relief and other financial incentives.

Path to Singapore Citizenship

After holding PR status for several years, you may decide to apply for Singaporean citizenship. The eligibility requirements for citizenship are more stringent, and approval is not guaranteed. Generally, you should have held PR status for at least two years before applying for citizenship.

The citizenship application process involves submitting a detailed form, attending an interview, and demonstrating a commitment to integrating into Singaporean society. Approval for citizenship is considered a significant step and comes with additional responsibilities, such as renouncing your original nationality (Singapore does not allow dual citizenship).

see also: How to Obtain Singaporean Citizenship for Indians?


Becoming a Permanent Resident in Singapore is a multi-step process that requires careful preparation and understanding of the eligibility criteria. Whether you are applying through employment, family, or investment, gathering the right documents, submitting a detailed application, and demonstrating a commitment to Singapore are crucial for success. While the process may take time, the benefits of obtaining PR—such as work flexibility, access to public services, and the option to apply for citizenship—make it a worthy goal for those looking to make Singapore their long-term home.

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