
Can a Foreign Spouse Work in Singapore?

by Hyacinth

Singapore is a vibrant and diverse city-state known for its robust economy, making it an attractive destination for expatriates. One common question that arises among foreigners who move to Singapore is whether their foreign spouse is allowed to work. In this article, we will explore the options available for foreign spouses who wish to seek employment in Singapore.

Who is Considered a Foreign Spouse in Singapore?

A foreign spouse refers to an individual who is married to a Singapore citizen or a Permanent Resident (PR) but does not hold Singaporean citizenship or PR status themselves. These individuals typically hold a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) or Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+), which allows them to reside in Singapore but may not immediately grant them the right to work.

Types of Passes for Foreign Spouses

Foreign spouses who wish to work in Singapore must first understand the different types of passes available to them. These include:

  • Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP)
  • Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+)
  • Employment Pass (EP)
  • S Pass
  • Work Permit

Each of these passes serves different purposes and comes with varying eligibility criteria and privileges. Let’s break down the most relevant passes that affect the foreign spouse’s ability to work.


Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

The Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is issued to foreign spouses of Singapore citizens or PRs. While it allows the spouse to stay in Singapore for an extended period, it does not automatically grant the right to work.

Can a Foreign Spouse on LTVP Work in Singapore?

Foreign spouses on the LTVP can work in Singapore, but they need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The LOC grants permission to work as long as the foreign spouse has secured a job offer from a Singaporean employer. This process is generally straightforward, provided the foreign spouse meets all the necessary criteria, and the employer agrees to sponsor the application.

Application Process for the LOC

1. The foreign spouse must secure a job offer from a local employer.

2. The employer applies for the LOC on behalf of the foreign spouse.

3. The Ministry of Manpower processes the application, and if successful, the LOC is issued, allowing the foreign spouse to work legally in Singapore.

The LOC is tied to the specific employer and is valid as long as the foreign spouse maintains their LTVP status and remains employed by that company.

Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+)

The Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+) is an enhanced version of the standard LTVP. It provides greater privileges, including healthcare subsidies and, most importantly, easier access to employment opportunities in Singapore.

Can a Foreign Spouse on LTVP+ Work in Singapore?

Yes, a foreign spouse holding the LTVP+ can work in Singapore. Just like the LTVP, they must apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) from the MOM, but the process is typically smoother for LTVP+ holders due to the enhanced status of their pass.

Benefits of LTVP+ Over LTVP

Longer Validity Period: The LTVP+ is generally issued for a longer period, reducing the need for frequent renewals.

Priority in Work Applications: LTVP+ holders are often given priority when applying for the LOC, making it easier for them to secure employment.

Employment Pass (EP)

The Employment Pass (EP) is typically issued to professionals, managers, and executives who earn a minimum qualifying salary. It is not exclusive to foreign spouses but is an option for highly skilled foreign spouses who meet the necessary criteria.

Can a Foreign Spouse Apply for an Employment Pass?

Yes, a foreign spouse can apply for an Employment Pass if they have a job offer in a qualifying role and meet the salary threshold. This route is ideal for spouses who are professionals and intend to work in managerial or specialist positions.

Eligibility Criteria for the Employment Pass

  • A job offer from a Singapore employer.
  • A minimum monthly salary of SGD 5,000 (subject to revision based on industry and market conditions).
  • Relevant qualifications and work experience.

The application is submitted by the employer on behalf of the foreign spouse, and approval depends on the applicant’s qualifications and the company’s ability to meet MOM’s requirements.

S Pass

The S Pass is another work pass available to mid-level skilled workers. It is aimed at individuals earning a lower salary than the Employment Pass threshold but still meeting specific criteria.

Can a Foreign Spouse Apply for an S Pass?

Yes, a foreign spouse can apply for an S Pass if they have a job offer in a mid-level role. The salary requirement is lower than the EP, with a minimum monthly salary of SGD 3,000.

Eligibility Criteria for the S Pass

  • A valid job offer from a Singapore employer.
  • A minimum monthly salary of SGD 3,000.
  • Relevant qualifications and work experience.

Just like the Employment Pass, the S Pass application is employer-sponsored, and approval is subject to MOM’s assessment.

Work Permit

The Work Permit is designed for lower-skilled workers in sectors like construction, manufacturing, and domestic work. It is not a typical route for foreign spouses, but it remains an option depending on the type of job they are applying for.

Can a Foreign Spouse Apply for a Work Permit?

In most cases, foreign spouses do not apply for Work Permits, as it is more common to seek employment through the LTVP, LTVP+, Employment Pass, or S Pass. However, if a foreign spouse wishes to work in a sector that requires a Work Permit, they would need to meet the same criteria as other foreign workers.

Alternative Options: Starting a Business in Singapore

Foreign spouses who wish to work independently can consider starting a business in Singapore. The country’s business-friendly environment makes it relatively easy to set up and register a company.

Can a Foreign Spouse Start a Business in Singapore?

Yes, a foreign spouse can start a business in Singapore. They can either register a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a private limited company. However, they must still adhere to the same business regulations and registration processes as other foreigners. Depending on the nature of the business, they may also need to apply for the appropriate work pass to manage the business actively.

What Happens if a Foreign Spouse Loses Their Job?

If a foreign spouse holding an LTVP or LTVP+ loses their job, their Letter of Consent will no longer be valid. They will need to secure a new job and reapply for a new LOC with their new employer. It is important to maintain valid LTVP or LTVP+ status throughout this process.

Can a Foreign Spouse Stay in Singapore Without a Job?

Yes, foreign spouses holding an LTVP or LTVP+ can continue to stay in Singapore even if they are unemployed, as long as their pass is still valid. However, if the LTVP or LTVP+ expires, they will need to renew it to remain in the country.

see also: How to Apply for an S Pass in Singapore?


Foreign spouses of Singapore citizens and PRs have several options for working in Singapore, with the most common route being through the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) or Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+), both of which allow them to work with a Letter of Consent. Highly skilled professionals may opt for the Employment Pass or S Pass, depending on their qualifications and job offers.

Understanding the different pass options and requirements is essential for foreign spouses looking to work in Singapore. By following the proper application procedures and ensuring that all documents are in order, foreign spouses can successfully secure employment and contribute to Singapore’s dynamic workforce.

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