
Which Countries Have the Easiest Citizenship Requirements?

by Hyacinth

Obtaining citizenship in a foreign country can be a complex process, but some nations offer relatively straightforward paths to citizenship. This article explores various countries with the easiest citizenship requirements, highlighting options for citizenship by descent, naturalization, and investment.

Countries with the Easiest Citizenship Requirements

Citizenship by Descent

Citizenship by descent, also known as jus sanguinis, allows individuals to claim citizenship based on their ancestry. This route can be one of the simplest methods for obtaining citizenship, especially if you can trace your lineage to a country with favorable citizenship laws.


Italy is renowned for its citizenship by descent program. If you can prove that you have an Italian ancestor who was a citizen on or after March 17, 1861, you may qualify for citizenship. The crucial factor is that your lineage must remain unbroken; no ancestor can have renounced their Italian citizenship or acquired citizenship in another country before the next in line was born. This makes Italy a prime choice for those of Italian descent seeking citizenship.



Poland also offers a straightforward path to citizenship by descent. If you have an ancestor born in Poland after 1900, you may be eligible. Similar to Italy, your lineage must be unbroken for Poland to recognize your claim. This option is particularly appealing for those with Polish heritage looking to reconnect with their roots.



Hungary’s citizenship laws allow individuals with Hungarian ancestry to apply for citizenship. If you can demonstrate that you have an ancestor who was born in Hungary before 1920 or between 1941 and 1945, you may qualify. Additionally, applicants must show basic proficiency in the Hungarian language. This requirement, while challenging, is often manageable for those motivated to reclaim their heritage.

Other Notable Countries

Several other countries also provide citizenship by descent, including:

Ireland: Citizenship can be claimed if you have an Irish grandparent.

United Kingdom: If you have a UK-born parent, you may qualify.

Spain: Citizenship is available for those with Spanish grandparents.

Portugal: Similar to Spain, citizenship can be claimed through Portuguese grandparents.

These options make it easier for individuals with European ancestry to secure citizenship in their ancestral homelands.

Citizenship by Naturalization

Naturalization is the process by which a foreign national can become a citizen after fulfilling certain residency and legal requirements. While this path typically requires a longer commitment, several countries have relatively short residency requirements.


Argentina is one of the most accessible countries for naturalization, requiring only two years of residency before you can apply for citizenship. This relatively quick path is attractive to many expatriates, especially those looking for a vibrant culture and welcoming environment.


Similar to Argentina, Peru allows individuals to apply for citizenship after two years of residency. This makes it an appealing option for those seeking a South American citizenship with a rich history and diverse landscapes.


Uruguay offers a favorable naturalization process, permitting individuals to apply for citizenship after three years of residency. The country is known for its high quality of life and progressive social policies, making it an attractive destination for newcomers.


Canada requires applicants to reside in the country for three years before applying for citizenship. The country is known for its multicultural society and strong economy, making it a popular choice for immigrants.

Other Countries with Short Residency Requirements

Poland: Three years of residency required.

Israel: Citizenship can be obtained after three years of residency.

Serbia: Also requires three years of residency.

These countries provide viable options for those looking to settle abroad and eventually gain citizenship.

Citizenship by Investment

For individuals with the financial means, citizenship by investment programs offer a fast track to obtaining a second passport. These programs typically require a significant financial investment in the country, often in real estate or government funds.

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is one of the easiest countries to obtain citizenship through investment. The program requires a minimum investment of $100,000, and applicants can expect a processing time of about three to four months. Additionally, there is a minimum stay requirement of just five days during the application process, making it a convenient option for investors.


Malta’s citizenship by investment program is another attractive option. Applicants must make a substantial investment of over €600,000 into real estate or a government-approved project. Malta allows the entire family to apply, including dependent children and parents over 55. The process can take around 12 to 14 months, but the benefits include access to the EU and visa-free travel to numerous countries.


Austria offers a citizenship by investment program that requires a minimum investment of €2 million into the local economy. While the process can be lengthy, often exceeding two years, it provides a pathway to one of the most powerful passports in the world, granting access to over 190 countries.

Other Countries with Investment Options

Dominica: Offers citizenship for a minimum investment of $100,000, with a processing time of about three months.

St. Kitts and Nevis: Requires a minimum investment of $150,000, with a processing time of four to six months.

These programs are increasingly popular among high-net-worth individuals seeking global mobility and security.

see also: What Are Some Positive and Negative Effects of Migration?


The journey to obtaining citizenship can vary significantly depending on the country and the applicant’s circumstances. For those with ancestral ties, countries like Italy, Poland, and Hungary offer relatively easy paths to citizenship by descent. For individuals looking to naturalize, Argentina and Peru provide some of the shortest residency requirements. Finally, citizenship by investment programs in nations like Antigua and Barbuda and Malta cater to those with the financial means to expedite the process.

When considering citizenship options, it’s essential to evaluate your personal goals, financial situation, and the requirements of each country. Whether through descent, naturalization, or investment, there are numerous avenues available for individuals seeking a new passport and the opportunities it brings.

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