
Why Playing It Safe on Immigration and Crime Might Be a Big Risk for Harris

by Hyacinth

Vice President Kamala Harris has largely refrained from directly challenging former President Donald Trump on his controversial immigration and crime policies. This cautious approach comes despite her underperformance among Hispanic and Black voters, who are most affected by Trump’s proposals.

Harris has not aggressively criticized Trump’s plans for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants or his push for stricter local policing tactics. This avoidance may reflect Democratic concerns about spotlighting sensitive issues like immigration and crime. However, it also risks missing an opportunity to engage voters who are critical of Trump’s extreme proposals.

Trump has consistently portrayed Harris as weak on immigration and crime since she became the Democratic nominee. In response, Harris has emphasized her strong record on these issues, including her experience as California’s Attorney General and her role in blocking Trump’s attempts at a bipartisan border deal. The real question remains whether Harris will use Trump’s policies to highlight their extremity and divisiveness.


Gary Segura, a pollster with UnidosUS, criticized Harris for not confronting Trump’s mass deportation plans more directly. He noted that while mass deportation is unpopular among Hispanics, it is not well known. Many believe Trump might pursue it if possible but doubt its feasibility.


Trump’s immigration policies for this election cycle are notably more aggressive than those in 2016 or 2020. He aims to energize his base with tough stances on immigration and crime while also appealing to non-White voters with economic promises. The Harris campaign’s reluctance to engage directly with Trump on these issues could increase the likelihood of Trump’s success with this strategy.

Key immigration issues that Harris and liberal groups have largely ignored include Trump’s pledge for mass deportations, ending birthright citizenship, and reviving the separation of migrant families. Trump has even hinted at a return to these policies in his campaign rallies.

Similarly, Trump’s crime policies, such as implementing “stop-and-frisk” tactics and making it harder to sue police officers, have not been widely addressed by Democrats. These measures could significantly impact minority communities. Trump has proposed a massive deportation operation and the use of large internment camps for undocumented immigrants. The economic and social disruption from such policies could be substantial.

Michael Ettlinger of the Carsey School of Public Policy warned that mass deportations could severely disrupt various sectors of the workforce. Economists have predicted that Trump’s agenda could lead to increased inflation and slowed growth. Moreover, about 15 million Hispanics live in mixed-status families, making widespread deportations even more impactful.

Trump’s criminal justice agenda also raises concerns. His proposals include reviving “stop-and-frisk” and deploying the National Guard in high-crime areas. Advocates worry these policies will disproportionately target young Black and Latino men, leading to increased arrests and civil rights violations.

Despite these concerns, Trump’s immigration and crime policies have received relatively little attention from the media, liberal groups, or the Harris campaign. Harris has not addressed mass deportation in key cities with large Hispanic populations and has avoided discussing Trump’s crime policies during appearances in predominantly Black cities.

The Harris campaign believes focusing on economic issues rather than confronting Trump on immigration and crime will be more effective in winning over undecided minority voters. Democratic strategists argue that emphasizing economic concerns rather than divisive issues like immigration and crime could be a better strategy.

Activists are urging Harris to challenge Trump’s policies more directly. They argue that discussing these issues can highlight differences between her and Trump, especially regarding values and criminal justice reform.

Pollster Gary Segura and immigration expert Tom Wong suggest that Harris could benefit from attacking Trump’s hardline policies, as many voters find them extreme and divisive. However, the Harris campaign’s current approach focuses on economic messages and avoiding contentious issues to avoid alienating potential voters.

Harris’s cautious strategy might continue as she seeks to recover support among Hispanic and Black voters. Critics argue that addressing Trump’s controversial policies directly could help bridge the gap and rally these key demographics.

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