
Trump vs. Harris: What Their Future Immigration Policies Might Look Like

by Hyacinth

Immigration continues to be a key issue in the 2024 US presidential election. With President Joseph R. Biden Jr. withdrawing from the race on July 21, 2024, former President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are now the main contenders. Trump has emphasized immigration throughout his campaign, frequently addressing border issues and outlining his plans for reform if re-elected. The 2024 Republican National Convention featured immigration as a central theme, and it was a major topic at the first presidential debate on June 27, 2024. Trump has criticized Harris for the current border situation, referring to her as Biden’s “border czar” and targeting her immigration record in his campaign ads.

During Biden’s presidency, Harris did not manage border policies directly; this responsibility fell to the commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the National Security Council’s senior director for transborder security. Harris’s role focused on diplomatic efforts to address migration from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Her strategy aimed to reduce migration incentives by improving lawful migration pathways and enhancing infrastructure, business support, and civil society in these countries.

Most Americans view immigration as a top policy issue and prefer a decrease in immigration. However, opinions on specific immigration policies vary. A previous blog post outlines major policy actions taken by Trump and Biden. This page provides an update on the immigration proposals from each campaign as of August 2024.


Trump’s New and Restored Policies

If elected, Trump plans to implement a highly restrictive immigration agenda starting in 2025. His proposals include:


Largest Domestic Deportation Operation: This would involve deploying military troops to the US-Mexico border, conducting ICE workplace raids, denying due process to unauthorized migrants, constructing additional ICE detention facilities, and overturning the Flores settlement, which protects migrant children. Both the military and National Guard would be used for deportations.

Ending Birthright Citizenship: Trump aims to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented parents.
Targeting Pro-Palestinian Protests: He plans to deport and revoke visas for foreign students involved in pro-Palestinian protests.

Revoking Humanitarian Parole: Trump’s policy would also include revoking humanitarian parole and implementing “ideological screening.”

Trump has also proposed one new immigration policy: granting automatic green cards to noncitizen graduates of US colleges and universities.

In addition, Trump plans to reinstate all his first-term immigration policies. These include:

Building the Wall: Continuing construction of the wall along the US southern border.

Restricting Immigration: Enforcing limits on both legal and illegal immigration.

“Remain in Mexico” and “Safe Third Country” Agreements: Reinstating these agreements.

Extreme Vetting: Applying stringent vetting procedures for visa applicants.

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