
How Unchecked Border Issues Are Impacting Legal Immigration

by Hyacinth

The current administration’s handling of immigration has made it increasingly difficult for the skilled immigrants America needs.

Consider my father’s journey: arriving in July 1980 with just $30, he spent 89 days traveling across the country on a bus while searching for work. He finally secured a medical job in Tennessee, contributing significantly to his new homeland with hard work and dedication. However, recent shifts in public opinion show a troubling trend. According to a March AP poll, only 40% of Americans now view skilled immigrants as beneficial, down from 60% two decades ago. Meanwhile, fears that legal immigrants are criminals have risen from 19% to 32%. If my father were to immigrate today, he might face a much more hostile environment and a more challenging path to success.

This shift in sentiment is not an indictment of Americans but a reaction to the current immigration system’s failures.


Under the Biden–Harris administration, support for legal immigration has waned, largely due to an unprecedented rise in illegal immigration. The administration’s policies included a moratorium on many deportations, a halt on border-wall construction, and support for a bill to legalize the undocumented population. Although the moratorium was overturned and the bill failed, the message was clear: the border was perceived as open.


This perception led to a dramatic increase in illegal crossings. In the first two months of the administration, apprehensions at the southern border surged by nearly 100,000. Within eight months, Border Patrol apprehended 138% more individuals per month compared to the previous four years. Since February 2021, nearly 9 million people have crossed the southern border illegally.

The surge in illegal immigration has fueled a backlash against all forms of immigration. While President Biden’s approach has sparked this crisis from the left, it has triggered an overreaction from some on the right, who are now calling for limits or a halt to legal immigration as well.

Stopping legal immigration would be as damaging as failing to control illegal immigration. Legal immigrants, like my father, play a crucial role in our economy. They fill essential worker shortages in fields from manufacturing to medicine and contribute significantly to economic growth through entrepreneurship. Their presence helps create wealth and job opportunities for all Americans. Thus, legal immigration is vital for America’s prosperity.

Restoring faith in a well-functioning legal immigration system is crucial. Securing the border is the first step. Without a secure border, support for legal immigration will continue to decline. Polling data shows that 57% of Americans believe border reform should be Congress’s top priority. Furthermore, there is widespread support for commonsense reforms that balance legal immigration with enhanced border security. At least 70% of Americans favor a better immigration system for skilled professionals, while 78% support clearer rules for visa applicants and international students. Nearly 90% back reforms to increase transparency and accountability in the immigration system.

While it seems unlikely that significant immigration reforms will be enacted before the end of the year, the next administration and Congress must prioritize securing the border. Following this, bipartisan cooperation on immigration policies where common ground exists will be essential. Strengthening legal immigration can reduce illegal immigration by providing lawful pathways for entry and allowing Border Patrol to focus on genuine national security threats.

Our nation’s future hinges on achieving this vision of secure borders and a robust, sensible legal immigration system. This approach aligns with the best traditions of our country. Just as my father was welcomed with open arms, we must ensure that future generations of legal immigrants are also embraced and supported.

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