
The Increase in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the UK: Examining the Far-Right’s Growing Influence

by Hyacinth

UK Faces Surge in Migration and Rising Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

Migration has profoundly shaped the demographics and culture of the United Kingdom. The UK has become a popular destination for individuals seeking better opportunities, fleeing oppression, or reuniting with family. Recent years have seen significant fluctuations in immigration rates due to economic conditions, global events, and policy changes. The aftermath of Brexit, in particular, has intensified public debates on immigration policy.

In 2023, the UK experienced a dramatic increase in immigration, reaching record levels. Data shows that approximately 1.2 million people moved to the UK in the year ending June 2023, a significant rise from previous years. This increase is attributed to high demand for labor in key sectors such as healthcare, construction, and hospitality. Despite the positive contributions of immigrants to the economy and cultural diversity, anti-immigration sentiments have surged. These sentiments have led to large protests and societal instability, fueled by political rhetoric and media portrayals.


Rising Anti-Immigration Sentiments

The growth of anti-immigrant feelings in the UK is linked to several socio-political factors. Far-right political groups have gained traction by exploiting public anxieties about immigration. A survey from April 2023 revealed that 52% of British citizens felt there should be fewer immigrants, reflecting growing concerns over the impact of immigration on resources and society.


Recent anti-immigrant protests have highlighted changing attitudes towards immigration. The far-right has played a significant role in amplifying these views. For instance, protests erupted in East London in July 2024, sparked by tensions among immigrants from Bangladesh. These protests turned violent, resulting in injuries to police officers. A four-day protest in Leeds by the Romanian community also voiced dissatisfaction with social issues and alleged discrimination.

On July 25, another protest in Manchester focused on systemic racism within the police force. These events have fueled far-right claims that the government prioritizes immigrants over native citizens, further destabilizing society. Law enforcement responses have been criticized for perceived unfairness, with accusations of biased policing between pro-Palestine marches and counter-protests.

Civil Unrest and Misinformation

July 2024 saw a surge in immigration-related civil unrest. The protests were compounded by the July 29 incident involving a 17-year-old accused of murder. Initially identified as an immigrant, it was later revealed that the offender was a UK citizen. Far-right groups spread false information, fueling protests and attacks on mosques and Muslim communities.

While most Britons condemned the violence and supported the reconstruction of damaged mosques, misinformation continued to exacerbate tensions. The spread of false news has intensified anti-immigrant sentiments and led to further violence.

Government Challenges

The UK government faces significant challenges in addressing the increasing number of protests and managing law enforcement. Ensuring fair treatment of all protesters and avoiding accusations of biased policing is crucial. The Prisons Governors Group warns that widespread imprisonment of rioters could strain the already unstable prison system.

A comprehensive approach is needed to address both public concerns and the impact of severe punishments. The government must also tackle the spread of misinformation on social media, which has worsened immigration-related tensions.

Developing a stable immigration policy that addresses both immigrant and citizen concerns is essential. The government must balance enforcing the law with respecting free speech while dealing with new regulations aimed at curbing disruptive protests. The current approach to policing protests has faced criticism, especially regarding perceived disparities in enforcement.

Social Media’s Role

Social media plays a significant role in spreading misinformation and fueling anti-immigrant sentiments. Platforms have facilitated the rise of far-right groups by allowing rapid dissemination of discriminatory content and false news. The UK government needs to implement policies to regulate online content and hold platforms accountable for misinformation.

Economic Impact

The rise in anti-immigrant mobilization poses economic risks. Protests and societal unrest can deter foreign investment and weaken consumer confidence. Disruptions may impact consumption, particularly as businesses navigate instability. Immigration is vital for addressing skill shortages in critical sectors like healthcare and technology. A decline in immigration could exacerbate labor shortages and slow economic growth. Anti-immigrant prejudice undermines social cohesion and public support for welfare, potentially worsening community isolation and reducing the economic benefits of workforce diversity.


The protests against immigration in the UK highlight complex social, political, and economic issues. While far-right ideologies present significant challenges, the resilience and commitment to diversity within communities offer hope for a more peaceful society. The government’s response will shape the future of immigration policy in the UK, requiring a balanced and thoughtful approach to address underlying issues and foster social cohesion.

The poem “Home” by Warsan Shire poignantly captures the plight of those fleeing their homelands in search of safety. Shire’s words, “No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark,” emphasize the human stories behind the statistics and protests. As the UK grapples with these challenges, it must remain mindful of the value and contributions of those seeking refuge and opportunity.

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