
Biden Starts Process to Legalize 500,000 Undocumented Immigrants

by Hyacinth

USCIS Begins Accepting Applications for New Parole in Place Program.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has started accepting applications for the Parole in Place (PIP) program this week, offering new opportunities for more than half a million undocumented immigrants. This initiative, part of President Biden’s broader effort to support family unity, aims to provide a pathway to legal status for those who have been in the U.S. without authorization for at least 10 years.

Launched in June, the Parole in Place program, also known as Keeping Families Together, allows eligible migrants to apply for work permits and permanent residency without leaving the country. Applicants must use Form I-131F, which costs $580. Applications officially began on August 19.


“This initiative is a significant step forward for individuals who have been living in the U.S. illegally for over a decade and entered the country before June 2014,” said immigration attorney Willy Allen. “The program will primarily benefit Mexican nationals.” According to government statistics, about 60% of those eligible are Mexican, 20% are from Central America, including Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, and the remaining 20% are from other Latin American countries.


The program is expected to assist around 500,000 non-citizen spouses of U.S. citizens and approximately 50,000 stepchildren living in the U.S. Eligible participants include spouses and unmarried stepchildren under 21 who entered the country illegally and have been present for at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024. They must also have no criminal record that threatens national or public security. Spouses must be legally married to a U.S. citizen.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicated that individuals in removal proceedings or with deportation orders might still qualify for the program. Each application will be reviewed individually to assess whether granting temporary stay is justified for significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons.

Before the program’s official start date, many individuals received alerts via text or email, rekindling hope for those facing deportation or enduring long separations from their families. The program also alleviates the need for an I-601A waiver, which requires leaving the U.S. to complete consular procedures, often resulting in extended separation from families. Immigration attorney Allen noted that this process, which was once quicker, now takes 46 to 48 months due to delays exacerbated by COVID-19. The new program aims to reduce this waiting period and exempt migrants from the Punishment Act, which imposes bans on reentry for leaving the U.S. illegally.

While the program has been welcomed by many, there is concern about its future. The outcome of the upcoming presidential election could influence the program’s continuation. Former President Donald Trump has pledged to implement extensive deportations if re-elected, which might affect programs like Parole in Place.

“The future of immigration policy is closely tied to the November elections,” Allen said. “The election results will shape the future of these programs. If Trump wins, there could be significant changes, potentially eliminating humanitarian paroles for various nationalities, as has been the case with Temporary Protected Status (TPS).”

Trump has consistently advocated for stricter anti-immigrant policies. During recent rallies, he criticized Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and promised aggressive deportation measures if elected.

In contrast, President Biden continues to support initiatives like Parole in Place, which may boost Democratic support while also maintaining strict border controls. In June, Biden highlighted a reduction in migrant arrests and illegal entries, although his administration’s policies have faced criticism from activists and contributed to an increase in migrant deaths during dangerous border crossings.

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