
Rising EU-Hungary Tensions Over Claims of Easier Visa Access for Russians

by Hyacinth

Tensions between the European Union and Hungary have intensified following Budapest’s alleged move to ease Schengen visa restrictions for Russian citizens.

According to News.Az, citing Anadolu Agency, Hungary has not yet responded to the EU Commission’s request for details about its “National Card” program.

This dispute follows Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s controversial visit to Moscow, which occurred shortly after Hungary took over the EU presidency. The visit has further strained the already tense EU-Hungary relations.


EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson had asked Hungary to explain the “National Card” program, which reportedly facilitates easier travel for Russian and Belarusian citizens within the EU. The deadline for Hungary’s response passed on Monday without any comment from Budapest.


The issue is likely to be a major topic at the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on August 28. This meeting has been moved from Hungary due to ongoing tensions, breaking the tradition of holding informal meetings in the EU presidency’s capital.

Hungary’s stance on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has frequently clashed with the EU’s position. Orban has faced accusations of being “pro-Russian,” which he denies. Additionally, Hungary has disagreed with the EU over military and financial support for Ukraine and its EU membership negotiations.

These disagreements add to existing EU concerns about Hungary’s commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law. This has resulted in the freezing of a significant portion of the EU’s budget allocations to Hungary under the “breach of Union law” procedure.

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