
What is a PERM Green Card?

by Hyacinth

The PERM Green Card is a key component in the U.S. immigration system for those seeking permanent residency through employment. The term “PERM” stands for Program Electronic Review Management. This process is crucial for employers who want to sponsor foreign workers for a Green Card. Understanding the PERM process is essential for both employers and employees seeking long-term employment and residency in the United States.

What is the PERM Labor Certification?

Definition and Purpose

The PERM Labor Certification is the first step in obtaining an employment-based Green Card. It is a process that employers must go through to prove that there are no qualified U.S. workers available for the job position they are offering. The primary purpose of this certification is to ensure that hiring a foreign worker will not negatively impact the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers.

Role in the Green Card Process

Before a foreign worker can apply for a Green Card, their employer must obtain a PERM Labor Certification. This certification demonstrates that the employer has made a genuine effort to recruit U.S. workers and that the foreign worker’s employment will not displace American workers.


The PERM Process: Step-by-Step

1. Job Description and Requirements

Developing a Detailed Job Description

The process begins with the employer developing a detailed job description. This includes outlining the job duties, required qualifications, and experience necessary for the role. The job description must be precise and align with the job requirements stated in the PERM application.


2. Recruitment Efforts

Conducting Recruitment

Employers must conduct a recruitment campaign to find qualified U.S. workers for the position. This involves advertising the job in various mediums such as newspapers, job boards, and other relevant platforms. The goal is to demonstrate that there are no qualified U.S. workers available for the job.

Recruitment Steps Include:

Placing ads in newspapers and trade journals

Posting the job on the company’s website

Using job search engines and online job boards

3. Filing the PERM Application

Preparing the Application

Once the recruitment efforts are complete and no qualified U.S. workers are found, the employer prepares and files the PERM application (Form ETA-9089) with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This form includes detailed information about the job, recruitment efforts, and the foreign worker.

Submission and Processing

The application is submitted electronically through the DOL’s iCERT system. After submission, the application is reviewed by the DOL to ensure compliance with all regulations and requirements. The processing time can vary, but it typically takes several months.

4. Labor Certification Decision

Approval or Denial

After reviewing the application, the DOL will issue a decision. If approved, the PERM Labor Certification is granted, allowing the employer to proceed with the next steps in the Green Card process. If denied, the employer may appeal the decision or address any issues identified by the DOL and reapply.

Benefits of a PERM Green Card

For Employers

Access to Global Talent

A PERM Green Card allows employers to access a global pool of talent, which is especially important for specialized positions where U.S. workers may be scarce. This helps companies remain competitive and innovative.

Stability and Retention

By offering a Green Card, employers can retain valuable employees long-term, reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new staff.

For Employees

Permanent Residency

The PERM Green Card provides foreign workers with permanent residency status in the U.S., allowing them to live and work in the country indefinitely.

Path to Citizenship

Permanent residents with a Green Card can eventually apply for U.S. citizenship, which offers additional benefits and rights, including voting and travel privileges.

see also: What Is the Benefits of Green Card?

Common Challenges and Issues

Recruitment Challenges

Finding Qualified U.S. Workers

One of the main challenges is proving that there are no qualified U.S. workers for the job. Employers must ensure that their recruitment efforts are thorough and well-documented to meet the DOL’s requirements.

Advertisement Requirements

Employers must follow specific guidelines for job advertisements, including placement, duration, and content. Failure to meet these requirements can lead to delays or denials of the PERM application.

Processing Delays

DOL Processing Times

The processing time for PERM applications can be lengthy, and delays can occur due to high volumes of applications or additional scrutiny by the DOL. Employers and employees must be prepared for potential delays in the process.

Appeals and Reapplications

In cases where a PERM application is denied, employers may need to appeal the decision or address any issues identified by the DOL. This can add time and complexity to the process.

Tips for a Successful PERM Application

Ensure Accurate Job Descriptions

Detail and Precision

Provide a clear and detailed job description that accurately reflects the duties and requirements of the position. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that the job requirements align with the PERM application.

Document Recruitment Efforts

Keep Comprehensive Records

Maintain thorough records of all recruitment efforts, including advertisements, responses, and interviews. This documentation is crucial for demonstrating compliance with PERM requirements.

Work with Immigration Professionals

Seek Expert Advice

Consider working with immigration attorneys or professionals who specialize in PERM and employment-based Green Cards. Their expertise can help navigate the complexities of the process and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.


The PERM Green Card process is a critical step for foreign workers seeking permanent residency in the U.S. through employment. It involves a detailed and rigorous process to ensure that there are no qualified U.S. workers for the position and that hiring a foreign worker will not adversely impact the labor market. By understanding the PERM process and working with immigration professionals, employers and employees can successfully navigate this complex procedure and achieve their immigration goals.

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