
MP Reaffirms Opposition to Dutton’s Gaza Visa Request

by Hyacinth

Steggall Defends Stance on Gaza Refugee Ban as “Racist,” Amid Legal Threats.

Independent MP Zali Steggall is firmly standing by her assertion that calls to ban Palestinians fleeing conflict in Gaza are “racist,” despite potential legal repercussions.

Last week, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton advocated for blocking individuals leaving Gaza from entering Australia until more stringent security vetting processes were in place, arguing that terrorist sympathizers could be allowed into the country. His remarks sparked widespread condemnation from Muslim and Palestinian advocacy groups.


During a parliamentary debate last week, Steggall, who represents the NSW electorate of Warringah, was met with heckling before she responded by telling opposition members to “stop being racist.”


When asked about reports that Dutton was seeking legal advice regarding her comments, Steggall remained resolute.

“I believe this is just another example of Mr. Dutton’s typical tactics—bullying and intimidating those who criticize his policies and behavior,” Steggall said on ABC radio Monday. “I stand by my view that this policy proposal is inherently racist, designed to instill fear and hatred toward a minority group.”

Steggall emphasized the importance of addressing these issues for the sake of social cohesion.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also criticized Dutton, calling him “deeply divisive.” Albanese expressed surprise that Dutton made such a call during a moment of national unity, as Australia welcomed home its Olympians. “Once again, he showed there’s no moment too big for him to display how small he is,” Albanese remarked.

Albanese also noted that people were currently unable to leave Gaza due to the closure of the Rafah crossing by Israeli authorities.

Opposition foreign spokesman Simon Birmingham dismissed claims that Dutton was trying to incite fear. “The Prime Minister and some teals like Zali Steggall, who all promised kinder, gentler politics, are now engaging in personal attacks against Peter Dutton instead of focusing on the policy debate,” Birmingham told ABC radio.

Birmingham maintained that the Coalition supports rigorous screening to ensure that those resettling in Australia are not terrorist sympathizers. “Our view is that thorough checks are necessary, especially considering the complex and tragic situation in Gaza, where research indicates significant community-wide support for Hamas,” he said.

According to the Department of Home Affairs, 7,100 visa applications from Palestine have been rejected. Of the 2,922 approved, 1,300 individuals have safely arrived in Australia.

The Hamas-controlled local health ministry reports that more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s bombing campaigns and ground offensives.

Last week, Dutton told Sky News: “I don’t think people should be coming in from that war zone at all at the moment. It’s not prudent to do so, and I think it puts our national security at risk.”

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