
Visa Fees for Most Migration Categories Will Rise Starting in October

by Hyacinth

Visa Fees Set to Rise Significantly in New Zealand, But Pacific Applicants Will Be Exempt.

Starting October 1, visa fees for most migrant categories in New Zealand will see a substantial increase. However, applicants from Pacific nations will largely avoid these hikes.

The National Party has advocated for a user-pays visa processing system to recover what it describes as a heavy taxpayer subsidy.


Immigration Minister Erica Stanford announced on Friday that the changes would save the government more than $563 million over the next four years.


“The changes we’re implementing will shift costs to those who benefit from the system. This will ensure it is self-funding and more efficient,” Stanford stated.

Fees for migrants applying for the skilled residence category will rise from $4,290 to $6,450. Partners seeking residency will see their fees increase from $2,750 to $5,360.

Additionally, student visa fees will double from $375 to $750, while post-study work visa fees will jump from $700 to $1,670.

Stanford explained that applicants from Pacific countries will continue to receive subsidies due to “New Zealand’s ongoing commitment to supporting its Pacific neighbours.”

The new fees also account for the increased costs associated with assessing high-risk applications, addressing migrant exploitation, and upgrading IT systems, Stanford noted.

“We anticipate that as we modernize immigration systems in the coming years, operating costs will decrease, and efficiency will improve,” she added.

Stanford assured that the new charges remain competitive compared to similar fees in Australia and the United Kingdom.

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