
Trump’s Project 2025 Increases Focus on Attacking Immigrants

by Hyacinth

WASHINGTON — Project 2025, the comprehensive Republican platform devised by the Heritage Foundation at the request of party presidential nominee Donald Trump, significantly intensifies the party’s stance on immigration, surpassing even Trump’s proposed border wall.

Over the first two days of the GOP convention in Milwaukee, there was little discussion about the party’s plans to address the estimated 10-11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. or its broader attitude towards people of color, whether documented or not.

This reticence stems from public opinion polls indicating strong support for some form of legal status for migrants, as opposed to Trump’s proposal of mass detentions and deportations.


Unions, especially in the building trades and Unite HERE, advocate for the legalization of current migrants and have supported legislation to reform the U.S. immigration system. However, Republican opposition, including Trump, has stalled these efforts.


North America’s Building Trades Unions criticize the current system, stating, “Unscrupulous employers exploit this broken system to undermine labor standards and wages in the construction industry. U.S. immigration policy needs a comprehensive overhaul aligned with future economic and workforce needs.”

Unite HERE has a history of supporting immigration reform. In 1999, the union, under then-President John Wilhelm, shifted from an isolationist stance to actively championing immigration reform. Their efforts included fighting post-9/11 anti-immigrant sentiment and leading the campaign to oust Joe Arpaio, a controversial former sheriff known for his harsh immigration policies.

A video from the GOP convention floor highlighted a vocal faction of the party exhibiting animosity towards Spanish speakers. This reflects the broader Republican base’s views, which often focus on reducing immigration.

Data shows that migrants, many of whom speak Spanish, make up the largest non-white demographic in the U.S. They are a significant part of the “underground economy” in sectors like construction, fast food, and services. Being undocumented leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and deportation, especially when they attempt to unionize. Notable incidents include recent raids in Mississippi’s food production industry.

Project 2025 advocates for aggressive immigration measures, including increasing visa restrictions, completing the border wall, and empowering enforcement agencies. The platform proposes a merit-based immigration system that favors highly skilled individuals over family-based immigration.

The term “family-based immigration” is seen by some as a code for anti-Hispanic sentiment. Historically, family-based migration patterns have included waves of Irish, German, Italian, Eastern European, and Jewish immigrants.

Project 2025 seeks to end this pattern, mirroring past nativist policies. The platform calls for repealing the diversity visa lottery, ending chain migration, and replacing the current employment visa program with one that prioritizes the “best and brightest” applicants.

This “best and brightest” criterion reflects Trump’s views, which often portray current migrants negatively while favoring immigrants from Northern Europe. The platform also proposes limiting employment authorization and banning immigration benefits for unaccompanied minors.

Project 2025 aims to reform the H-1B visa program to attract only top foreign talent at high wages, potentially disadvantaging American workers. Additionally, it seeks to terminate the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program, which aids migrants fleeing crises. Most TPS recipients have lived in the U.S. for years, contributing to communities and paying visa renewal fees.

The platform suggests increasing TPS fees by at least 10% to keep up with inflation and administrative costs. It also proposes limiting fee waivers and implementing fees for asylum applications.

To restrict migrant access to jobs, including those covered by union contracts, Project 2025 advocates for the mandatory use of E-Verify, a system intended to verify workers’ legal status. Despite its known inaccuracies, E-Verify would push many workers into the underground economy.

The platform’s anti-migrant measures also include reclassifying border agents as essential to national security, effectively banning them from unionizing. This comes after the Government Employees sector representing these agents withdrew from AFGE following support for Trump’s immigration policies.

Project 2025 proposes that Customs and Immigration Services be reclassified as a national security agency, subject to stringent standards and penalties for leaks. Employees who do not conform to these standards could face termination.

Overall, Project 2025 reflects a significant shift in the Republican Party’s approach to immigration, emphasizing stricter enforcement and reduced pathways for legal migration.

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