
Government Urged to Maintain and Improve Visas for Seasonal Workers

by Hyacinth

Immigration advisers have recommended that the government continue to offer visas to seasonal workers and make the application process more flexible to ensure food security.

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) recently reviewed the Seasonal Worker Scheme (SWS) and advised that the UK should maintain the visa program to support the agricultural sector. In its report published on Tuesday, the MAC outlined several recommendations for the scheme’s operation.

Challenges and Recommendations

Professor Brian Bell of the MAC highlighted the difficulties faced by the agricultural sector in recruiting domestic workers for seasonal positions. He stressed the need for greater consideration of workers’ welfare and pay, emphasizing the importance of transparency and communication to prevent exploitation.


“While the economic impact on the UK due to agriculture’s relatively low contribution may not be substantial, failing to maintain the scheme risks compromising the nation’s food security,” Bell said. “The scheme is crucial for sustaining current levels of domestic food production.”


Bell also noted that advancements in automation could potentially reduce the need for migrant seasonal labor. However, he pointed out that existing machinery is not yet advanced enough to replace seasonal workers entirely. He suggested further government intervention, such as 0% interest loans or increased public investment, to accelerate automation and reduce reliance on seasonal labor.

Key Recommendations

The MAC’s key recommendations to the government include:

Fairer Work and Pay: Ensuring that workers receive at least two months’ pay to cover their costs of coming to the UK, thereby reducing financial risks for low-income workers.

Enforcing Employee Rights: Tightening and enforcing employee rights, with clear communication in the workers’ native languages.

Flexible Visas: Making the visa more flexible to allow employers to plan more efficiently and enable workers to maximize their earnings without adding complexity to the process.

Certainty About the Scheme’s Future: Providing clarity and certainty about the future of the Seasonal Worker Scheme.
Government Response

A government spokesman acknowledged the report, stating, “We have committed to reforming the points-based immigration system with a joined-up approach across government. We thank the Migration Advisory Committee for their report and will carefully consider their findings and respond in due course.”

The MAC’s review underscores the critical role of the Seasonal Worker Scheme in maintaining the UK’s food security and highlights the need for improvements to ensure the welfare and rights of migrant workers. The government’s response and potential actions will be closely watched by stakeholders in the agricultural sector and beyond.

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