
What is the Hardest Visa to Get?

by Hyacinth

A Clear Definition of “Hardest”

The term “hardest” when referring to visa acquisition is inherently subjective, as it can vary significantly based on several factors such as the applicant’s background, country of origin, and the specific visa category they are applying for. To understand the difficulty of obtaining a visa, we can measure it through various aspects:

Strict Eligibility Criteria: Some visas require exceptional qualifications, high educational achievements, or specialized skills that not all applicants possess.

Lengthy Processing Times: Visas that take an extended period to process can be considered difficult due to the prolonged uncertainty and potential for delays.


High Rejection Rates: Visas with a high percentage of rejections indicate stringent approval processes and high standards that applicants must meet.


Complex Application Procedures: The more intricate and detailed the application process, the harder it is to successfully complete without errors.

Understanding these parameters can help in identifying which visas might be considered the hardest to obtain.

A Comprehensive List of Potentially “Hardest” Visas

High-Skilled Visas

1. H-1B Visa (United States)

Overview: The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise.

Eligibility Criteria: Requires at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the specialty field, employer sponsorship, and often a prevailing wage requirement.

Challenges: The annual cap of 65,000 visas (plus 20,000 for those with a U.S. master’s degree) leads to significant competition. The lottery system for selection makes it unpredictable.

2. Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Visa (United Kingdom)

Overview: This visa is designed for individuals recognized as leaders or potential leaders in fields such as science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology, and the arts.

Eligibility Criteria: Requires endorsement by a relevant UK body (such as the Royal Society for scientists) and a proven track record of exceptional talent.

Challenges: High standards for proving exceptional talent, limited endorsements available, and a rigorous evaluation process.

Visas with High Demand

3. EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program (United States)

Overview: This visa provides a method for eligible Immigrant Investors to become lawful permanent residents by investing at least $900,000 in a commercial enterprise in the U.S. and creating or preserving at least 10 jobs.

Eligibility Criteria: Requires a significant financial investment and evidence of job creation.

Challenges: High financial threshold, complex documentation, and long processing times, especially with backlogs from high-demand countries like China.

4. Canadian Express Entry (Federal Skilled Worker Program)

Overview: This is a points-based immigration system used by Canada to manage applications for permanent residence under the federal economic programs.

Eligibility Criteria: Points are awarded based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.

Challenges: High competition due to the popularity of the program, and the need to score high enough to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

Visas with Restrictive Criteria

5. Japan Highly Skilled Professional Visa

Overview: A points-based system for highly skilled professionals in fields like advanced academic research, specialized technical or humanities fields, and business management.

Eligibility Criteria: Points are awarded for criteria such as educational background, professional experience, income, and research achievements.

Challenges: High thresholds for points, stringent documentation requirements, and the necessity to demonstrate ongoing contributions to the field.

6. Australian Distinguished Talent Visa

Overview: This visa is for individuals who have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research.

Eligibility Criteria: Requires proof of outstanding achievement and endorsement by a recognized Australian organization.

Challenges: Demonstrating international recognition and maintaining a high level of expertise in a competitive field.

A Balanced Perspective

It is important to note that the difficulty of obtaining a visa is not absolute and can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances. Factors such as the applicant’s qualifications, country of origin, and the current political and economic climate can influence the ease or difficulty of the application process.

While some visas have universally high standards and stringent requirements, others may be more accessible to certain individuals depending on their background and resources. For instance, a highly skilled professional from a developed country with strong qualifications may find it easier to obtain certain visas compared to someone without these advantages.

Moreover, every visa category has its own complexities and challenges. While high-skilled visas like the H-1B or Tier 1 might be difficult due to competition and stringent criteria, family-based visas or humanitarian visas might present challenges in terms of proving eligibility or meeting specific requirements.

Practical Tips and Resources

SEE ALSO: How Can I Know If My Visa Is Approved?

Consulting with Immigration Lawyers or Licensed Professionals

Given the complexity of visa applications, consulting with immigration lawyers or licensed professionals is highly recommended. These experts can provide personalized advice based on your unique circumstances, helping you navigate the application process more effectively.

Links to Official Government Resources

For accurate and up-to-date information, refer to official government websites. Here are some useful links:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Department of Home Affairs (Australia)

Tips for Navigating the Visa Application Process

Prepare Thoroughly: Research the specific requirements and eligibility criteria for the visa you are applying for. Gather all necessary documentation and ensure it is complete and accurate.

Seek Professional Guidance: An immigration lawyer or consultant can provide invaluable assistance in preparing your application and addressing any potential issues.

Meet Deadlines: Submit your application within the required timeframe to avoid delays or rejections due to missed deadlines.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of any changes in visa policies or requirements that may affect your application.

Be Honest: Provide truthful and accurate information in your application to avoid complications or potential bans.


In summary, determining the “hardest” visa to get depends on various factors including eligibility criteria, processing times, rejection rates, and the complexity of the application process. High-skilled visas, visas with high demand, and those with restrictive criteria often present significant challenges for applicants. However, with thorough preparation, professional guidance, and a clear understanding of the requirements, navigating the visa application process can become more manageable.

Remember, every individual’s situation is unique, and what may be a difficult visa for one person could be more accessible for another. By leveraging the right resources and support, you can increase your chances of successfully obtaining the visa that best suits your needs and aspirations.

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