
Impact of Anti-Immigrant Policies on Florida’s Economy and Community

by Hyacinth

In 2022, immigrants made up more than one-fifth of Florida’s population, with a significant portion actively contributing to the state’s economy. Immigrants, who are more likely than native-born residents to be of working age, played a crucial role in Florida’s workforce, contributing $12.0 billion in state and local taxes despite constituting only 26.6% of the workforce.

Despite their economic contributions, Governor Ron DeSantis and other state leaders have supported policies that adversely affect immigrants, their families, and the broader Florida community. These policies have also worsened workforce shortages, harming businesses and causing anxiety within the immigrant population.

Over the past decade, Florida has seen the implementation of several anti-immigrant policies, including SB 168 (2019), which mandated enforcement of federal immigration laws across all counties and municipalities. SB 1808 (2022) expanded these measures by requiring law enforcement agencies in county detention centers to enter agreements with ICE. SB 1718 (2023) introduced further restrictive measures, such as changes to protections for undocumented immigrants seeking medical care and restrictions on using out-of-state driver’s licenses.


Legal challenges have arisen against these policies, with Section 10 of SB 1718 temporarily blocked in May 2024 following litigation by the Council and advocacy groups. Despite this, the broader impact remains significant, fostering an environment of fear and uncertainty among immigrants and impacting community trust in law enforcement.


Economically, these policies have been forecasted to cost Florida billions of dollars, with SB 1718 alone potentially reducing the state’s economy by $12.6 billion in its first year. The legislation has also drawn criticism for its chilling effects on everyday activities like grocery shopping and accessing healthcare, while also hindering industries reliant on seasonal labor.

Moreover, these policies have sparked concern beyond Florida, with other states considering similar measures that could replicate these economic and social challenges. States like Mississippi and Iowa have already introduced legislation mirroring Florida’s anti-immigrant laws, reflecting a broader trend of restrictive immigration policies across the United States.

Despite these challenges, immigrants remain integral to Florida’s economy, contributing significantly across various sectors from agriculture to high-tech industries. Efforts by bipartisan leaders and community advocates continue to push for inclusive policies that support the integration and contributions of all residents.

Looking ahead to the 2025 legislative session, stakeholders emphasize the need for thoughtful consideration of the long-term impacts of anti-immigrant legislation on Florida’s economic prosperity and social cohesion. The debate underscores the crucial role immigrants play in the state’s workforce and broader community fabric, urging a balanced approach to policy-making that upholds both economic growth and social inclusivity.

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