
How to Get U.S. Residency Through Investment?

by Hyacinth

The United States has long been a beacon for individuals seeking new opportunities and a fresh start. For many, the prospect of obtaining residency in the U.S. represents a significant milestone in their personal and professional lives. One avenue to achieve this goal is through investment-based immigration programs, which offer a pathway for foreign nationals to obtain permanent residency in the United States by making qualifying investments in the country’s economy.

Understanding Investment-Based Immigration Programs

Investment-based immigration programs, often referred to as “EB-5” programs, are designed to attract foreign capital and stimulate economic growth in the United States. These programs offer eligible individuals and their families the opportunity to obtain permanent residency, commonly known as a “green card,” by investing in designated projects that meet specific criteria set by the U.S. government.

Qualifying for the EB-5 Program

To qualify for the EB-5 program, individuals must meet certain requirements, including:


Minimum Investment: As of 2022, the minimum investment required for the EB-5 program is $1.8 million, or $900,000 if the investment is made in a targeted employment area (TEA), which is an area with high unemployment or rural areas. It’s crucial to ensure that the investment amount meets the current regulatory standards.


Job Creation: EB-5 investors are required to create or preserve a minimum number of full-time jobs for qualified U.S. workers. Typically, this entails creating at least 10 jobs per investor within a specified timeframe.

Source of Funds: Investors must demonstrate that the funds used for the investment were obtained lawfully. This requires providing documentation to prove the source of the investment capital, which may include bank statements, tax returns, and business records.

Investment Vehicle: Investors can choose to invest directly in a new commercial enterprise or through a regional center, which is a designated organization that pools investments from multiple EB-5 investors to fund large-scale projects. Each option has its own set of advantages and considerations, so it’s essential to conduct thorough due diligence before making a decision.


Selecting a Suitable Investment Project

Choosing the right investment project is a critical step in the EB-5 process. Investors should consider factors such as:

Project Viability: Assess the viability and sustainability of the project, including its business model, market demand, and potential for long-term success.

Job Creation Potential: Evaluate the project’s ability to create the required number of jobs within the specified timeframe. Projects located in targeted employment areas may offer incentives and streamlined processes for job creation.

Regional Center Reputation: If investing through a regional center, research the track record and reputation of the organization. Look for established regional centers with a history of successful EB-5 projects and transparent management practices.

Risk Management: Consider the risks associated with the investment, including market risks, regulatory risks, and project-specific risks. Diversifying investments across multiple projects or industries can help mitigate risk and safeguard your investment capital.

Navigating the Application Process

Once investors have selected a suitable project and secured their investment capital, they can begin the EB-5 application process, which typically involves the following steps:

Form I-526 Petition: File the Form I-526 petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), along with supporting documentation demonstrating eligibility for the EB-5 program. This includes proof of investment, job creation projections, and evidence of lawful source of funds.

Conditional Green Card: Upon approval of the Form I-526 petition, investors and their eligible family members (spouse and unmarried children under 21) will receive conditional green cards, granting them temporary residency status in the United States.

I-829 Petition: Within the 90-day period preceding the second anniversary of obtaining conditional residency, investors must file the Form I-829 petition to remove the conditions on their green cards. This requires providing evidence that the investment has been sustained and that the requisite jobs have been created or preserved.

Permanent Residency: Upon approval of the Form I-829 petition, investors and their families will receive unconditional green cards, granting them permanent residency in the United States.


Obtaining U.S. residency through investment offers a pathway for foreign investors to pursue their personal and professional aspirations in the United States. By understanding the requirements of the EB-5 program, selecting suitable investment projects, and navigating the application process diligently, investors can achieve their goal of securing permanent residency and realizing the opportunities that the United States has to offer. However, it’s essential to seek guidance from qualified professionals, such as immigration attorneys and financial advisors, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and maximize the likelihood of success. With careful planning and strategic decision-making, investors can embark on a transformative journey toward a brighter future in the United States.

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