
Who Can Fill Out Form N-648: A Comprehensive Guide

by Hyacinth

Form N-648, officially titled “Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions,” is a critical document for certain applicants seeking U.S. citizenship. This form allows applicants with physical or developmental disabilities or mental impairments to request an exception to the English and civics requirements for naturalization. Filling out Form N-648 correctly is crucial, as errors or omissions can delay the application process or result in a denial of the request. This article provides a detailed overview of who can fill out Form N-648, the qualifications and responsibilities of those individuals, and the importance of this form in the naturalization process.

Understanding Form N-648

1. Purpose of Form N-648

Form N-648 is designed to assist applicants who are unable to comply with the English language and civics requirements due to a medical condition. The form must be completed by a licensed medical professional who can attest to the applicant’s condition and explain how it affects their ability to learn or demonstrate knowledge of English and U.S. civics.

2. Importance in the Naturalization Process

For many individuals with disabilities, the requirements to read, write, and speak basic English and to understand U.S. history and government pose insurmountable challenges. Form N-648 provides a legal avenue to ensure that these individuals are not unfairly disadvantaged in their pursuit of U.S. citizenship.


Who Can Fill Out Form N-648?

1. Eligibility Criteria for Medical Professionals

Only certain licensed medical professionals are authorized to fill out Form N-648. These professionals must have an ongoing relationship with the applicant and possess the necessary qualifications to assess and document the medical condition. The following sections outline the specific types of medical professionals who are eligible.


Licensed Medical Doctors (M.D.): Medical Doctors (M.D.) are the most common professionals who fill out Form N-648. These practitioners are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions. An M.D. must have a valid medical license and be in good standing with the medical board in their state of practice.

Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.): Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.) are also qualified to complete Form N-648. D.O.s are fully licensed physicians who can prescribe medication and perform surgery. They receive additional training in the musculoskeletal system, which may provide a more holistic approach to patient care.

Clinical Psychologists: Clinical psychologists with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in psychology can also fill out Form N-648. These professionals specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions, which can be particularly relevant for applicants with cognitive or psychological impairments.

2. Role and Responsibilities of the Medical Professional

The medical professional’s role is to provide a thorough and accurate assessment of the applicant’s condition and its impact on their ability to meet the naturalization requirements. This involves several key responsibilities:

Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation: The medical professional must conduct a detailed evaluation of the applicant’s physical or mental condition. This evaluation should include a review of the applicant’s medical history, current symptoms, and the results of any relevant diagnostic tests.

Documenting the Condition: Form N-648 requires the medical professional to describe the applicant’s condition in detail. This includes providing a diagnosis, outlining the severity of the condition, and explaining how it affects the applicant’s ability to learn or demonstrate knowledge of English and U.S. civics.

Providing a Prognosis: In addition to documenting the current condition, the medical professional must provide a prognosis. This involves explaining whether the condition is expected to improve, worsen, or remain stable over time.

Attesting to the Impact on Learning Ability: The medical professional must specifically address how the applicant’s condition impairs their ability to learn English and U.S. civics. This is a critical component of the form, as it directly relates to the applicant’s request for an exception.

Qualifications and Training

1. Medical Licensure

To complete Form N-648, the medical professional must hold a valid medical license. This ensures that they have met the necessary educational and professional standards to practice medicine or psychology.

2. Specialized Training

While not a strict requirement, specialized training in the applicant’s specific condition can be beneficial. For example, a neurologist may be particularly well-suited to assess an applicant with a neurological disorder, while a psychiatrist might be best for an applicant with a severe mental illness.


The Process of Completing Form N-648: Step-by-Step Instructions

Filling out Form N-648 involves several steps, each of which must be completed accurately to ensure the form is accepted. The following sections provide a detailed guide to this process.

Step 1: Applicant Information

The medical professional begins by filling out the applicant’s personal information, including their name, address, date of birth, and Alien Registration Number (A-Number). This section ensures that the form is correctly associated with the applicant’s naturalization application.

Step 2: Medical Professional Information

Next, the medical professional provides their own information, including their name, address, medical license number, and contact details. This section establishes the credentials of the individual completing the form.

Step 3: Diagnosis and Description of Condition

The core of Form N-648 involves documenting the applicant’s medical condition. The medical professional must provide a detailed diagnosis, including the specific medical terminology and any relevant diagnostic codes (e.g., ICD-10 codes).

Step 4: Explanation of Impact on Learning Ability

The medical professional must explain how the condition affects the applicant’s ability to learn English and U.S. civics. This should include specific examples and, if possible, supporting evidence from medical tests or assessments.

Step 5: Prognosis

In this section, the medical professional provides a prognosis for the applicant’s condition. They must indicate whether the condition is temporary or permanent and describe any expected changes in the applicant’s ability to meet the naturalization requirements.

Step 6: Certification and Signature

Finally, the medical professional must sign and date the form, certifying that the information provided is accurate and complete. This section also includes a declaration that the medical professional has no conflicts of interest in completing the form.

Common Challenges and Mistakes

Completing Form N-648 can be challenging, and there are several common mistakes that can lead to delays or denials. These include:

Incomplete Information: All sections of the form must be filled out completely. Missing information can result in the form being rejected.

Lack of Specificity: The medical professional must provide detailed explanations and avoid vague or general statements.

Failure to Establish a Clear Link: The form must clearly link the applicant’s condition to their inability to meet the naturalization requirements. Without this connection, the request for an exception is unlikely to be granted.

The Impact of Form N-648 on Applicants

1. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Form N-648 has significant legal and ethical implications. It ensures that individuals with legitimate disabilities are not unfairly excluded from the naturalization process. However, it also requires careful consideration to prevent misuse or fraud.

2. Ensuring Fair Access to Citizenship

For many applicants, Form N-648 represents a lifeline that allows them to achieve U.S. citizenship despite significant challenges. By providing a means to request an exception, the form promotes inclusivity and fairness in the naturalization process.

3. Protecting the Integrity of the Process

At the same time, it is essential to maintain the integrity of the naturalization process. Medical professionals must be diligent in verifying the applicant’s condition and providing accurate, honest assessments. This helps to prevent abuse of the system and ensures that exceptions are granted only to those who truly need them.


Form N-648 plays a crucial role in the U.S. naturalization process by providing a means for individuals with disabilities to request an exception to the English and civics requirements. Only certain licensed medical professionals, including M.D.s, D.O.s, and clinical psychologists, are qualified to fill out this form. These professionals must conduct thorough evaluations, document the applicant’s condition, and explain its impact on their ability to meet the naturalization requirements.

The process of completing Form N-648 involves several detailed steps, and accuracy is paramount to avoid delays or denials. By understanding who can fill out this form and the responsibilities involved, both applicants and medical professionals can navigate the process more effectively, ensuring fair access to citizenship for all qualified individuals.

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