
Shift in Immigration Discourse Signals Potential National Change

by Hyacinth

Concerns about immigration in America are on the rise, even among immigrants like myself. However, my worry isn’t about imagined threats of criminal hordes at our borders or the impact on urban housing costs or wages. Instead, it’s about the shifting attitudes towards immigration and the potential consequences for our nation’s policies.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where the competition for labor and talent is intense, immigration has been a vital asset for America. Yet, there’s a growing risk that we might undermine this advantage. Despite having the largest immigrant population globally in sheer numbers, as a percentage of our population, America ranks 25th among nations with over a million inhabitants. This contrasts with countries like Canada and Australia, where foreign-born residents make up a larger share of the population.

The reframing of the immigration debate post-9/11, focusing more on security than economic growth, has led to a misunderstanding of immigrants’ contributions. This shift has left us overlooking the economic benefits immigrants bring. Moreover, myths about immigrants driving down wages have been debunked, with data showing low unemployment rates and rising wages.


Concerns about immigrant crime also don’t align with reality; immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans. Yet, perpetuating such misconceptions distances us from the imperative of maintaining America as a top destination for immigrants, vital for our economic success.


To maintain economic growth, we must prioritize immigration. As the baby boom generation retires, immigrants will be crucial in filling the resulting workforce gap. They already play essential roles in various sectors, including healthcare and STEM fields, contributing significantly to innovation and economic growth.

Every slip of the tongue, like labeling undocumented migrants as “illegals,” not only perpetuates myths but also harms our reputation as a welcoming nation. As an immigrant myself, coming from a family with a long history of immigration, I understand the importance of creating a welcoming environment for those seeking a better life.

Immigrants aren’t the problem in America; instead, they are part of the solution. Let’s ensure we don’t lose sight of that.

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