
Who Can Apply for EB-1 Visa? Eligibility Criteria

by Hyacinth

The EB-1, or Employment-Based First Preference category, is a sought-after pathway for individuals seeking permanent residency in the United States. Often referred to as the “priority workers” category, EB-1 is designed for individuals with extraordinary abilities, outstanding professors and researchers, and multinational executives and managers. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the eligibility criteria for EB-1, helping applicants understand whether they qualify for this prestigious immigration category.

Extraordinary Ability Individuals

One of the primary categories under EB-1 is reserved for individuals with extraordinary abilities in their respective fields. To qualify for EB-1 as an extraordinary ability individual, applicants must demonstrate a level of expertise and recognition significantly above that ordinarily encountered in their field. This category is not limited to specific professions and encompasses a wide range of fields, including arts, sciences, athletics, education, and business.

Criteria for Extraordinary Ability

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) outlines specific criteria that extraordinary ability individuals must meet to qualify for EB-1. These criteria include:


Sustained National or International Acclaim: Applicants must provide evidence of sustained national or international acclaim in their field. This can be demonstrated through receipt of prestigious awards, membership in professional associations, or recognition from peers and industry experts.


Documentation of Achievements: USCIS requires documentation of the applicant’s extraordinary achievements, such as publications, media coverage, presentations at conferences, or participation as a judge of the work of others in the field.

Evidence of Extraordinary Ability: Applicants must provide evidence that their achievements have resulted in significant contributions to their field. This can include patents, innovative research, or other contributions that have had a notable impact on the field.

Intent to Continue Work in the Field: USCIS requires applicants to demonstrate their intent to continue working in their field of extraordinary ability while in the United States.

Meeting these criteria can be challenging, and applicants are encouraged to provide thorough documentation to support their EB-1 petition.

Outstanding Professors and Researchers

Another category under EB-1 is reserved for outstanding professors and researchers. This category is designed for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly achievements and are recognized internationally as leading authorities in their fields. To qualify for EB-1 as an outstanding professor or researcher, applicants must meet specific criteria established by USCIS.

Criteria for Outstanding Professors and Researchers

The eligibility criteria for outstanding professors and researchers include:

International Recognition: Applicants must have international recognition for their outstanding achievements in a particular academic field.

At Least Three Years of Experience: Applicants must have at least three years of experience in teaching or research in the academic field.

Offer of Tenure or Comparable Position: USCIS requires applicants to have an offer of tenure or a comparable position at a university or other institution of higher education, or a private employer with a research department.

Evidence of Outstanding Achievements: Applicants must provide documentation of their outstanding achievements, such as awards, publications, and research contributions.

Meeting these criteria demonstrates to USCIS that the applicant is a leading authority in their field and deserving of EB-1 classification as an outstanding professor or researcher.

Multinational Executives and Managers

The third category under EB-1 is reserved for multinational executives and managers. This category is designed for individuals who have been employed in a managerial or executive capacity by a qualifying multinational organization and who are being transferred to the United States to continue working for the same employer or a related entity.

Criteria for Multinational Executives and Managers

To qualify for EB-1 as a multinational executive or manager, applicants must meet specific criteria established by USCIS. These criteria include:

Employment with a Qualifying Organization: Applicants must have been employed for at least one of the three years preceding the petition by a qualifying multinational organization.

Executive or Managerial Capacity: Applicants must have been employed in an executive or managerial capacity, as defined by USCIS.

Intent to Continue Employment: USCIS requires applicants to demonstrate their intent to continue working in an executive or managerial capacity for the same employer or a related entity in the United States.

Evidence of Transfer: Applicants must provide evidence of the transfer to the United States, such as a job offer letter or other documentation from the employer.

Meeting these criteria demonstrates to USCIS that the applicant is eligible for EB-1 classification as a multinational executive or manager and is qualified to continue working in an executive or managerial capacity for a multinational organization in the United States.


The EB-1 category offers a valuable pathway to permanent residency in the United States for individuals with extraordinary abilities, outstanding professors and researchers, and multinational executives and managers. By understanding the eligibility criteria outlined by USCIS and providing thorough documentation to support their petitions, applicants can increase their chances of success in obtaining EB-1 classification. However, navigating the EB-1 process can be complex, and applicants are encouraged to seek guidance from experienced immigration attorneys to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

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