
Thousands of Canadians Seek Gaza Rescue Visas, Program Faces Criticism

by Hyacinth

Ottawa, Canada – A federal program designed to help Canadians reunite with family members trapped in Gaza is facing scrutiny after data revealed that thousands more applications were submitted than initially anticipated by the government. The program, launched in January 2023, has been criticized for its complexity and slow processing times.

According to information obtained through a freedom of information request, over 7,500 Canadians applied for the program in its first three months. This number significantly exceeds the “hundreds” Immigration Minister Marc Miller initially estimated would utilize the program.

Lawyers and advocates are raising concerns about the program’s effectiveness, highlighting its burdensome application process and the challenges faced by applicants in navigating the required steps. Notably, applicants must travel to Cairo, Egypt for a final security screening, a step made increasingly difficult due to border closures and conflict in the region.


It’s just another indication of how grudging this government’s response was to the plight of these people,” said Toronto-based immigration lawyer Debbie Rachlis, who represents numerous applicants.


Rachlis and other critics point to the low number of visas issued – only 179 as of April 29th – as evidence of the program’s shortcomings. They urge the government to streamline the process, reduce security requirements, and provide clearer communication to applicants left in limbo.

The situation has grown increasingly dire with the recent escalation of conflict and border closures. Lawyers like Annie O’Dell in Newfoundland express concern over the fate of applicants, highlighting cases like that of Sawsan Karashuli, whose brother died of starvation in Gaza while awaiting a visa.

“I do wonder how many of those … applications have gone out for people who are now dead,” said O’Dell. “I would say that the Canadian government does bear some responsibility in the delays to those people who are no longer with us.”

While the Canadian government has expressed a willingness to consider more applications, it remains unclear how many will ultimately be accepted and how quickly the process will move forward. With the situation in Gaza becoming increasingly desperate, pressure is mounting on the government to take more decisive action to reunite families and offer refuge to those in need.

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