
Human Rights Commission Raises Concerns Over Yongah Hill Detention Center

by Hyacinth

The Australian Human Rights Commission has raised concerns about conditions at the Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre in Northam, Western Australia. In a report released on Monday, the Commission outlined issues including drug trafficking, inadequate healthcare, and overall well-being concerns for detainees and staff.

The report, based on inspections, interviews, and consultations conducted throughout 2023, aims to ensure compliance with international obligations regarding immigration detention.

One major concern highlighted is the emergence of behaviors typically associated with prisons, such as drug trafficking, contraband circulation, bullying, and violence. These behaviors pose serious risks to both detainees and staff, prompting calls for immediate action.


Healthcare provision within the facility is also criticized, with limited access to emergency care, out-of-hours medical services, and mental health support noted. Insufficient access to counseling, rehabilitation, trauma services, and educational programs exacerbates the situation.


Additionally, the report points out infrastructure issues at the Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre, suggesting that two low-security compounds are no longer suitable for their intended purpose, raising concerns about living conditions and security.

The Migration Act 1958 underpins Australia’s mandatory immigration detention system, allowing Australian Border Force Officers to detain unlawful non-citizens. Recent legislation passed in December 2023, responding to High Court rulings, permits indefinite detention of migrants on public safety grounds if there is reasonable suspicion of ongoing threat.

Critics, including human rights organizations, argue that mandatory immigration policies act as deterrents for asylum seekers and are inconsistent with international standards, such as those outlined in the 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

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