
Biden’s Immigration Strategy Takes Shape Amid Growing Political Imperatives

by Hyacinth

President Joe Biden is on the brink of unveiling a significant overhaul of the nation’s immigration policy, a move aimed at addressing the escalating crisis at the southern border and reshaping the Democratic Party’s stance on border enforcement.

In a recent interview with Univision, President Biden hinted at the possibility of issuing an executive order to restrict the number of asylum seekers allowed to stay in the United States legally after crossing the border. However, this revelation, while noteworthy, comes after weeks of the White House signaling its intention to take executive action on immigration.

Since early February, following the collapse of a Senate agreement on border security, the Biden administration has been discussing the possibility of using executive authority to tackle the migrant crisis. By March, it became clear that this action would involve making it more difficult for migrants to qualify for asylum and expediting the deportation of those who don’t meet the criteria.


This proposed executive action would leverage the president’s authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act to strengthen the “credible fear” standard for asylum seekers. Drawing parallels to former President Trump’s approach, the Biden administration aims to assert a more robust stance on border enforcement, a move Democrats hope will shift blame for the influx of migrants onto the GOP.


Recent polling commissioned by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee suggests that Democratic candidates could benefit from adopting stricter border policies. Voters in competitive House districts are reportedly more inclined to support Democrats advocating for enhanced border enforcement and statutory reforms over Republicans endorsing a border wall and mass deportations.

Furthermore, Democrats see an opportunity to capitalize on the failure of a bipartisan Senate border security bill earlier this year. By highlighting Republican opposition to the bill, Democrats aim to portray themselves as champions of effective border control.

However, the urgency for action on immigration is underscored by shifting public opinion, as evidenced by recent polling. An Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll revealed growing support among Hispanics for stricter border policies, including the construction of additional barriers and increased deportations. While there are variations in opinion based on nationality, the overall trend suggests a broader openness to hawkish immigration measures.

With Hispanic support for tougher immigration policies on the rise, Democrats are strategizing to reposition themselves as the party of smart and tailored border enforcement, distinct from the perceived recklessness of the Trump era. Yet, time is of the essence for President Biden, as public sentiment on immigration hardens rapidly. Despite potential executive action, the administration faces the challenge of overcoming lingering perceptions of border mismanagement.

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