
House GOP Urges NYC to Stop Debit-Card Program for Undocumented Immigrants

by Hyacinth

A group of House Republicans has issued a demand to New York City officials, urging an immediate cessation of the city’s $53 million debit-card program tailored for undocumented immigrants. The lawmakers argue that such initiatives serve as incentives for migrants to cross the border illegally and settle in the city.

In a formal letter dispatched on Wednesday, Representative Lance Gooden of Texas, alongside seven GOP colleagues, directed their queries to Mayor Eric Adams, seeking clarification on various aspects of the Immediate Response Card program. Among their concerns is whether federal funds are being utilized for the initiative, which purportedly aims to curtail food waste and purportedly save the city approximately $7.2 million annually.

The program, dubbed a “free handout” by Gooden, extends financial support to undocumented immigrant families with weekly stipends of up to $350 via prepaid debit cards. These funds are designated for the purchase of food and baby supplies, with participants required to pledge their expenditure solely towards these items. However, according to the lawmakers, the locations where the cards can be used remain unspecified.


The letter underscores the potential consequences of disbursing untraceable cash through transferable debit cards, positing an inevitable surge in the immigrant population within the city. Gooden recollects Mayor Adams’ prior warning regarding the detrimental impact of the illegal-immigrant crisis on New York City.


Critics highlight the staggering cost of the Immediate Response Card program, which surpasses the combined budgets allocated for the city’s Department of Veterans Affairs and Office of National and Community Services for 2025. Moreover, the influx of over 180,000 undocumented immigrants into the city since spring 2022 has strained government resources and taxpayer funds.

Despite the program’s commencement on March 25, concerns linger regarding the lack of transparency regarding spending oversight and enforcement mechanisms. Questions posed by Gooden and his cohorts delve into the collaboration between city authorities, Mobility Capital Finance, and contracted hotels in obtaining identification from undocumented immigrants, alongside queries on fund tracking and eligibility criteria.

The letter culminates in a condemnation of the program’s perceived prioritization of undocumented immigrants over American citizens, particularly veterans and individuals in need. Gooden asserts that such actions undermine the integrity of American citizenship and exacerbate the immigration crisis.

In response to the House Republicans’ missive, Mayor Adams and city officials are yet to issue a formal statement.

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