
How Long It Takes To Immigrate To Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

by Hyacinth

Canada, renowned for its inclusive society, robust economy, and vast natural beauty, attracts immigrants from all corners of the globe seeking a better life and opportunities. However, immigrating to Canada involves a complex process governed by various immigration streams, each with its own set of requirements and timelines. Understanding these timelines is crucial for prospective immigrants to plan their journey effectively and manage expectations. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the immigration process to Canada, exploring the timelines associated with different pathways.

Understanding the Immigration Streams

Before delving into the timelines, it is essential to grasp the diverse immigration streams through which individuals can immigrate to Canada. Broadly, these streams include economic immigration, family sponsorship, refugee resettlement, and temporary residence.

1. Economic Immigration: This category targets skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and investors who can contribute to Canada’s economy. The main programs under economic immigration include the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).


2. Family Sponsorship: Canadian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their family members, including spouses, children, parents, and grandparents, to immigrate to Canada.


3. Refugee Resettlement: Canada is committed to offering protection to refugees through various resettlement programs, such as the Government-Assisted Refugee Program (GAR) and the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSR).

4. Temporary Residence: This category encompasses individuals coming to Canada for short-term stays, including tourists, students, and temporary workers. While not a direct path to permanent residency, temporary residence can serve as a stepping stone for future immigration.

Each immigration stream has its own set of eligibility criteria, application processes, and timelines, which prospective immigrants must understand before embarking on their journey to Canada.

Factors Influencing Timelines

Several factors influence the timelines associated with immigrating to Canada. These factors can significantly impact the duration of the process and vary depending on individual circumstances:

1. Immigration Stream: The chosen immigration stream plays a crucial role in determining the timeline. For instance, economic immigration programs like the Express Entry system often have faster processing times compared to family sponsorship or refugee resettlement programs.

2. Completeness and Accuracy of Application: Submitting a complete and accurate application is essential for avoiding delays. Any missing documents or errors can lead to processing setbacks as immigration authorities may request additional information or clarification.

3. Country of Origin: The country of origin can impact processing times due to factors such as diplomatic relations, security concerns, or the volume of applications from that country.

4. Immigration Office Workload: The workload at immigration offices can affect processing times. High volumes of applications or staffing shortages may lead to delays in processing.

5. Additional Processing Requirements: Depending on the immigration stream and individual circumstances, applicants may be required to undergo additional processing steps such as medical examinations, background checks, or interviews, which can extend the overall timeline.

Understanding these factors can help applicants manage their expectations and prepare accordingly for the immigration process.

Timelines for Different Immigration Streams

While precise timelines can vary based on individual circumstances, below are general estimates for the processing times associated with various immigration streams to Canada:

1. Express Entry System (Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Trades Program):

Invitation to Apply (ITA): Once an applicant submits their profile into the Express Entry pool and meets the eligibility criteria, they may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency during a subsequent draw. The frequency of draws and the minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score required for an ITA can influence how long it takes to receive an invitation.

Application Processing: Once an applicant receives an ITA, they typically have 60 days to submit their complete application for permanent residency. The processing time for applications submitted through Express Entry is generally around six months, although this can vary depending on factors such as the volume of applications and individual circumstances.

2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP):

Nomination: Applicants applying through a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) must first receive a nomination from a Canadian province or territory. The timeline for receiving a nomination varies depending on the specific PNP stream and the processing times of the provincial authorities.

Application Processing: Once nominated, applicants must submit their application for permanent residency to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Processing times for PNP applications can vary but generally range from 15 to 19 months.

3. Family Sponsorship:

Sponsorship Approval: The processing time for sponsor approval varies depending on the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored individual. Spousal sponsorships typically have shorter processing times compared to parent or grandparent sponsorships.

Application Processing: Once the sponsorship application is approved, the sponsored individual can submit their application for permanent residency. Processing times for family sponsorship applications can vary widely depending on factors such as the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored individual and the country from which the application is submitted. Generally, processing times range from 12 to 24 months.

4. Refugee Resettlement:

Refugee Status Determination: Refugees must undergo a process to determine their eligibility for resettlement in Canada, which can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the processing times of the relevant authorities.

Application Processing: Once determined eligible for resettlement, refugees can apply for permanent residency in Canada. Processing times for refugee resettlement applications can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the case and the volume of applications. Generally, processing times range from 12 to 24 months.

5. Temporary Residence:

Application Processing: Processing times for temporary residence applications, such as visitor visas, study permits, or work permits, can vary depending on factors such as the country of origin and the type of permit applied for. Generally, processing times range from a few weeks to several months.

It is important to note that these timelines are estimates and can vary depending on individual circumstances and external factors. Prospective immigrants are encouraged to regularly check the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the most up-to-date information on processing times and requirements.


Immigrating to Canada is a significant life decision that requires careful planning and consideration. Understanding the timelines associated with different immigration streams is essential for prospective immigrants to navigate the process effectively and manage expectations. While the immigration process can be complex and time-consuming, the rewards of building a new life in Canada are immeasurable. By staying informed and prepared, individuals can embark on their journey to Canada with confidence and optimism for a brighter future.

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