
Key Issues of Referendums, Housing, and Immigration at Forefront Among Electorate

by Hyacinth

In the latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A Snapshot poll, core issues such as the Family and Care referendums have captured the public’s attention, alongside discussions on how these campaigns were handled by the Government.

According to the findings, 23 percent of participants in the snapshot poll noted or discussed the Family and Care referendums when asked about recent government actions indicating the country’s direction.

Despite the emergence of referendums as a prominent topic in the poll, housing remains a significant concern among the public, with 16 percent mentioning it—an increase of one point—underscoring its entrenched status as a key issue.


Meanwhile, immigration continues to be a relevant topic, with 14 percent of mentions, although it has somewhat diminished in prominence compared to the referendums this month, experiencing an eight-point decrease.


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