
India: Officials Cancel Visa Rights of Critics from Diaspora

by Hyacinth

Authorities in India have been accused of revoking visa privileges for overseas critics of Indian origin who have spoken out against the policies of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government, according to a report by Human Rights Watch released today.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi frequently attends mass gatherings of diaspora party supporters across the globe to celebrate Indian democracy. However, his government has reportedly targeted individuals it claims are “tarnishing the image” of the country.

The Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) status, which grants residency rights and bypasses visa requirements for foreign citizens of Indian origin or foreigners married to Indian nationals, has been revoked for many vocal critics of the BJP’s Hindu majoritarian ideology, including academics, activists, and journalists. Some of these individuals have challenged their exclusion in Indian courts on constitutional grounds seeking protection of their rights to speech and livelihood.


Elaine Pearson, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, expressed concern over the Indian government’s actions, stating that reprisals against diaspora members critical of the BJP demonstrate growing hostility to criticism and dialogue. The government has tightened restrictions on visa status for overseas Indians in recent years, downgrading the privileges of OCI cardholders and imposing requirements for special permission to carry out certain activities in India.


Instances of visa status revocation and deportation have raised concerns among OCI cardholders, many of whom have strong personal ties to India. Cases like that of Ashok Swain, an Indian-origin Swedish academic whose OCI status was revoked, highlight the government’s alleged efforts to suppress dissent among overseas critics.

Indian authorities have also barred academics who are OCI cardholders from entering the country. Nitasha Kaul, a British professor critical of the BJP, was denied entry into India without being provided any reasons. Kaul has been a vocal critic of the BJP and its affiliated groups, receiving online threats and harassment as a result.

In some cases, the authorities have openly cited criticism of BJP government policies as evidence to revoke visa status. The government has also reportedly targeted foreign reporters with OCI status, embroiling them in bureaucratic hurdles or denying them permission to continue reporting in India.

The actions of the Indian government have drawn criticism from international human rights organizations, with calls for foreign governments to engage with India on human rights concerns rather than turning a blind eye to repression.

Pearson emphasized the need for foreign governments to hold the Indian administration accountable for its repression of dissent, urging dialogue and reform instead of intimidation tactics. The report concludes with a call for action to address the deteriorating human rights situation in India and ensure the protection of freedom of expression for all.

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