
Trump Promises Immigrants He Wants to Deport Will Receive Serial Numbers

by Hyacinth

Trump Proposes Mass Deportations in Second Administration.

In Donald Trump’s vision for America, immigrants may no longer find a welcome. The Republican presidential nominee has suggested that, if elected for a second term, he would seek to round up and deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

In an interview with Sharyl Attkisson from Full Measure, Trump emphasized that the United States, a nation built by immigrants, should not be a “dumping ground” for newcomers.


“We’re getting the criminals out quickly, and we know who they are. Local police are aware of their names and serial numbers,” Trump stated. “They have all the information about them.”


Trump’s comments have drawn comparisons to historical figures like Adolf Hitler. His reference to “serial numbers” evokes disturbing memories of the identification numbers assigned to concentration camp prisoners.

“We’re not a dumping ground,” Trump reiterated. “We will remove those individuals swiftly.”

Attkisson then pressed Trump on the logistics of mass deportations, noting that many undocumented immigrants have American citizen children. She posed a concern about the impact of media coverage, asking if images of families being deported would end the program.

Trump acknowledged this issue and suggested a potential solution: limiting media exposure.

“That’s right,” he replied. “If you show a young woman with two beautiful children being put on a bus, it makes it much harder.”

He added, “If one wrong person is put on a bus or plane, the radical left will frame it as a major crisis.”

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