
German Embassy Assures Schengen Visa Issuance for Turkish Nationals Unaffected by Border Controls

by Hyacinth

The German Embassy in Ankara has reassured Turkish citizens that the recently introduced border controls will not affect the visa application process for Turkish nationals.

In an official statement posted on its X (formerly Twitter) account, the German Embassy confirmed that the visa-issuance process would continue unchanged. The Embassy emphasized that the new border control measures would have no impact on Schengen visa procedures for Turkey.

“The visa-issuance process for Turkey will continue as usual and will not be affected by this situation,” the Embassy stated, according to Schengen.News.


Border Travel to Remain Possible, Delays Expected

The Embassy also assured Turkish citizens that cross-border travel would remain possible, though authorities would work to minimize long wait times at land borders.


The border control measures, introduced by Germany, aim to prevent irregular entries. The Embassy emphasized that these controls are temporary and were implemented for security and migration management reasons. They will apply to those attempting to enter Germany without proper documentation.

“Temporary border controls will be implemented within Germany’s borders due to security and migration policy reasons. These controls will allow the prevention of entry for individuals who do not have permission to enter the country,” the Embassy reiterated.

Germany’s Border Control Measures in Line with EU Law

The German Embassy also stressed that the temporary measures are fully compliant with EU regulations. The primary goal is to ensure safe and orderly entry into Germany, preventing unauthorized migration.

Germany introduced these controls at all its land border crossings starting September 16. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced last week that the controls would remain in place for six months, with the possibility of an extension if the irregular migration issue persists.

Turkish Nationals Among Top Schengen Visa Applicants in 2023

Turkish nationals have consistently been among the top applicants for Schengen visas to Germany. In 2023 alone, a total of 253,462 German Schengen visa applications were submitted by Turkish citizens, according to the Schengen Visa Statistics portal.

However, not all applications were approved. Of the total, 187,388 Turkish nationals received a positive response, while 55,495 applications were denied.

The demand for Schengen visas among Turkish citizens remains high this year, as well. Given the challenges faced by Turkish nationals in obtaining these visas, Turkish authorities have reiterated their desire to secure a visa-free entry agreement with the European Union as soon as possible.

Turkey remains committed to joining the EU, though accession talks, which began in 2005, have stalled due to political and diplomatic challenges.

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