
The Easiest Countries to Obtain Citizenship

by Hyacinth

Obtaining citizenship in a foreign country can be a complex and time-consuming process, but some countries offer easier paths than others. As an immigration lawyer, I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on the easiest countries to get citizenship, taking into account factors such as citizenship by descent, investment, naturalization, and more.

Citizenship by Descent

One of the simplest ways to obtain citizenship is through descent, where you can claim citizenship based on your ancestry. Several countries offer this option, and some of the easiest are:


Italy is known for having one of the most straightforward citizenship by descent programs. If you have an Italian ancestor who was a citizen on or after March 17, 1861, you may be eligible for Italian citizenship, provided that the lineage is unbroken.



Similar to Italy, Poland offers citizenship by descent for those with Polish ancestors born after 1900. The lineage must be unbroken, and you must demonstrate a basic understanding of the Polish language.



In 2011, Hungary passed a law allowing citizenship by descent for those with Hungarian ancestors born before 1920 or between 1941 and 1945. You must prove unbroken lineage and have a basic grasp of the Hungarian language.

Other countries that offer citizenship by descent include Ireland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Romania, Portugal, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Israel, Greece, Germany, and Armenia.

Citizenship by Investment

For those with the financial means, citizenship by investment programs offer a fast track to obtaining a second passport. Some of the easiest and most popular programs are:

Caribbean Countries

Several Caribbean nations, such as Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lucia, offer citizenship by investment programs. These programs typically require a non-refundable contribution to a state fund or investment in real estate, with the entire process taking as little as 3-6 months.

One of the main benefits of Caribbean citizenship is the ability to travel visa-free to the Schengen area and other countries. Some programs, like Grenada’s, also offer the opportunity to obtain an E-2 visa to the United States, allowing the investor to live and work in the country.


Malta is one of the easiest EU countries to obtain citizenship through investment. The program requires a minimum investment of €600,000 and a 12-month or 36-month residency period, depending on the applicant’s status. The investment includes a non-refundable contribution, real estate purchase or rental, and investment in approved financial instruments.

Citizenship by Naturalization

For those willing to reside in a country for a certain period, citizenship by naturalization is a viable option. Some of the easiest countries to obtain citizenship through this method are:


Argentina offers the fastest path to citizenship by naturalization, with a residency requirement of just 2 years.


Paraguay requires 4 years of residency before applying for citizenship.


Uruguay has a residency requirement of either 3 or 5 years, depending on the applicant’s circumstances.


Brazil requires 4 years of residency before applying for citizenship.


Portugal has a residency requirement of 5 years before applying for citizenship.

Other countries that offer relatively easy paths to citizenship by naturalization include Italy (2 years for marriage), Greece (3 years for marriage), Cyprus (7 years), and Canada (6 years).

Citizenship by Birth

Some countries offer citizenship based on the principle of jus soli, or citizenship by birth within the country’s borders, regardless of the parents’ citizenship status. Two notable examples are:


Mexico grants citizenship to anyone born within its borders, making it one of the easiest countries to obtain citizenship by birth.


Canada also offers unrestricted birthright citizenship, granting citizenship to anyone born on Canadian soil.

Dual Citizenship

When considering obtaining a second citizenship, it’s important to note that not all countries allow dual citizenship. Some countries, such as Japan and Singapore, generally do not recognize dual citizenship, while others, like India and the Philippines, have more relaxed policies.

It’s crucial to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand the specific requirements and implications of obtaining a second citizenship in your country of origin.

Factors to Consider

When choosing the easiest country to obtain citizenship, there are several factors to consider:

Speed: How quickly can you obtain citizenship?

Cost: What is the financial investment required?

Benefits: What are the advantages of holding that country’s passport (e.g., visa-free travel, tax benefits, quality of life)?

Eligibility: Do you meet the requirements for citizenship by descent, investment, or naturalization?

Dual Citizenship: Does your country of origin allow dual citizenship?

By weighing these factors and your personal goals, you can determine the easiest and most suitable path to obtaining a second citizenship.

see also: Who Makes Immigration Policy?


Obtaining citizenship in a foreign country can be a complex process, but some countries offer easier paths than others. Whether you’re looking to obtain citizenship by descent, investment, naturalization, or birth, there are several options available.

As an immigration lawyer, I recommend thoroughly researching the requirements and implications of obtaining a second citizenship in your country of origin. By understanding your goals and eligibility, you can make an informed decision on the easiest path to acquiring a second passport.

Remember, the easiest path to citizenship may not always be the best fit for your individual circumstances. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consult with an immigration lawyer to ensure a smooth and successful citizenship application process.

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