
Mixed Reactions to Task Force Recommendations on Visas and Work Permits

by Hyacinth

Oklahoma City – The Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visa Task Force has put forward new recommendations aimed at supporting immigrants seeking to live and work in Oklahoma. Established by Governor Kevin Stitt in April, the task force was tasked with finding ways to enhance the state’s workforce and create opportunities for immigrants contributing to local communities and the economy.

The recommendations, released at the end of August, include:

1. Establishing the Office of New Oklahomans.


2. Issuing Driving Privilege Cards to qualified migrants.


3. Promoting policies to assist international talent with credentialing.

4. Launching pilot programs to increase work permits and visas for non-citizens.

5. Encouraging employers to hire non-citizens for high-demand jobs.

These proposals have sparked debate among Oklahoma lawmakers. Conservative critics, including Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, a member of the newly formed Freedom Caucus, argue that the recommendations prioritize immigrants over Oklahomans. Deevers expressed his opposition via social media and in an official statement, stating that the task force’s suggestions do not align with the “Oklahoma First” policy or recent legislation, specifically House Bill 4156.

House Bill 4156, signed by Stitt in April, criminalizes entering the state without legal authorization. This law is currently on hold due to a federal judge’s ruling pending legal challenges. Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has appealed this decision.

In contrast, Sen. Michael Brooks, D-Oklahoma City, who chairs the Latino Caucus, praised the task force for recognizing the value of immigrants in Oklahoma. Brooks highlighted that embracing immigration could contribute to the state’s economic growth and population increase. He also supported the recommendation to issue Driving Privilege Cards, noting that such measures could enhance safety and generate revenue for the state.

Governor Stitt’s spokesperson, Abegail Cave, stated that the governor remains firm on his stance regarding immigration. Stitt has been critical of the Biden administration’s immigration policies and has deployed members of the Oklahoma National Guard to the border. Cave confirmed that Stitt would not implement the task force’s recommendations, stating, “He will NOT issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. He won’t give jobs to illegal immigrants. He’s not making an office for illegal immigrants.”

The task force’s recommendations are not yet law and would require legislative action to be enacted. Stitt’s office has not commented on whether he would support any legislative efforts to implement the task force’s proposals.

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