
Mexican Immigrant’s Daughter Tells Congress She Feels ‘Ashamed’ of Biden-Harris Administration for ‘Opening Our Borders

by Hyacinth

April Aguirre, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, testified at a House hearing on Tuesday regarding the ongoing border crisis under the Biden-Harris administration. She spoke on behalf of 11-year-old Maria Gonzalez, who authorities allege was brutally raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant. Aguirre highlighted how current immigration policies are tarnishing the reputation of law-abiding migrants.

Aguirre, a crime victims’ advocate, addressed the House Judiciary Committee alongside mothers of children who they believe suffered due to the Biden administration’s border policies.

“As a daughter of immigrant parents, I am ashamed of what the Biden-Harris administration has done. They have opened our borders to everyone, including criminals,” Aguirre stated.


Aguirre recounted the tragic story of Maria Gonzalez, who lived in Houston with her father. Authorities say that an illegal immigrant from Guatemala entered their home and killed Maria. Her body was discovered stuffed under her father’s bed, inside a plastic bag.


According to the Pasadena Police Department, a medical examiner concluded that Maria died from asphyxiation due to strangulation and had also been sexually assaulted.

“Maria was so covered in bruises that I had to shop for a funeral dress to cover the damage that was done to her. She lost fingernails in her fight,” Aguirre explained to the committee.

Aguirre painted a heartbreaking picture of Maria’s last moments, asking, “Can you imagine trying to fend off a grown man? The shock of being undressed, the pain of being beaten, and the struggle to fight for your life against a predator?” She emphasized that girls like Maria deserve protection and a life free from fear.

Aguirre criticized the Biden-Harris administration for neglecting the dangers posed by those who illegally cross the border. She argued that these policies unfairly label all migrants, saying, “We’re letting everyone through the border without proper checks, victimizing both citizens and immigrants.”

She clarified, “We are not against immigration; we oppose unvetted immigration.”

During the hearing, Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, suggested that Aguirre and the families of other victims were being exploited by Republicans. Aguirre found this claim offensive and responded firmly, stating, “You made broad statements insulting these people. They lost children, and we want to see a difference. We may not understand everything going on, but we are not being used.”

House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, commented before the hearing that the Biden-Harris administration had allowed 10 million people into the country in just three and a half years, including 99 individuals on the terrorist watch list.

Jordan added that the testimonies from Aguirre and other families would highlight the “real cost” of illegal immigration on communities across the nation.

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