
Negative Attitudes Towards Migrants Are Growing in Britain

by Hyacinth

Concerns Over Immigration and Racism in the UK.

Maya Goodfellow’s recent article, “We keep hearing about ‘legitimate concerns’ over immigration. The truth is, there are none” (13 August), highlights an important issue in the ongoing immigration debate. Goodfellow criticizes mainstream politicians for their role in perpetuating racism through the “hostile environment” policy, which has been supported by both Labour and Conservative governments since the 2000s. This policy has fostered a culture of racism in Britain, which is reflected in everyday interactions.

For instance, a personal account from a long-time UK resident reveals the impact of this policy. The individual, who has lived in the UK for over 20 years and speaks fluent English, describes several instances of discrimination in their new Yorkshire town. When visiting a local Co-op, they were told that a weekend newspaper was unavailable, and a newsagent’s employee was sent to watch them from outside, suspecting theft. Furthermore, attempts to hire a gardener were met with unexplained rejections. The individual speculates that their East Asian appearance and the fact that they do not run a Chinese takeaway contribute to these experiences of bias.


This “hostile environment” mentality, which assumes immigrants with non-white faces are likely illegal and unwelcome, reflects a broader issue. The Windrush scandal is a prominent example of such discrimination.


Jeremy Bunn of Clapton, London, supports Goodfellow’s view, asserting that immigration and asylum issues are not valid concerns. He argues that immigration benefits the country and criticizes the tendency of some governments to blame immigration for societal problems. Bunn, an elderly white man with mixed-race grandchildren, notes that even he is less than half English by ancestry, emphasizing that everyone has immigrant roots.

On the other hand, some argue that immigration concerns are valid. They believe that countries have a right to set immigration policies based on their economic and social needs. They suggest that issues such as uncontrolled illegal migration and ineffective welfare policies are legitimate concerns. Critics of Goodfellow’s proposals, which include lower-cost visas and increased taxes on the wealthy, view these solutions as impractical.

The debate on immigration continues to evoke strong opinions, reflecting broader societal attitudes and policy challenges.

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