
Op-Ed: Reduce Hostility Towards Immigrants

by Hyacinth

Mbracing Our Immigrant Legacy: A Call for Understanding.

Unless you have Native American heritage, your family, like mine, is descended from immigrants. Even if you’ve lived your whole life in the North Country, your roots trace back to those who came here seeking a better life. America has always been a land of opportunity, offering hope to newcomers.

Historically, immigrant groups have faced rejection, hostility, and fear—challenges that are still evident today. Recent events, such as the Republican National Convention’s disturbing display of cruelty toward immigrants, highlight the persistent and troubling sentiment against newcomers. This behavior is a departure from basic human decency and leaves many feeling disheartened.


Our ancestors faced severe hardships when they first arrived in America, fleeing from dire conditions that led to the deaths of over a million in their homeland. They came with little more than hope for a better future. Most arrived impoverished and uneducated, struggling to find their footing in a new world.


Like today’s immigrants, they encountered fear and hostility. Media and politicians of the time spread stories about the supposed dangers they brought with them—diseases, criminal behavior, and a threat to American society. Negative portrayals and organized efforts to marginalize them fueled widespread fear.

Employment opportunities were scarce. Many businesses posted signs refusing to hire them. Despite being unskilled and often illiterate, these immigrants persevered. They found work as maids, cooks, and laborers, settling in communities of their own. They practiced their religion, established schools, and started businesses. They worked hard to build a better future for their children.

Over time, succeeding generations integrated into American society. They became police officers, firefighters, teachers, and nurses. Their children attended college, entered various professions, and achieved their parents’ dreams. Their resilience allowed them to contribute significantly to all aspects of American life, including defending the country. One notable immigrant, John F. Kennedy, even became President of the United States.

It’s time to acknowledge and embrace our immigrant heritage. Just as past generations overcame prejudice and contributed greatly to society, today’s immigrants also seek a better life and enrich our nation. The fear and hostility directed toward them, driven by misinformation, are unfounded.

Don’t be swayed by these false narratives. Immigrants are being used as political pawns, manipulated to serve the interests of others. Instead, let us recognize their contributions and extend the same welcome that was once offered to our ancestors.

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