
EU Visa Delays for Turkish Citizens Challenge European Democratic Principles

by Hyacinth

European Union countries have been notably sluggish in issuing visas to Turkish citizens in recent times, citing a variety of reasons including political considerations.

Discussions between the EU and Turkey concerning the migrant issue led to an agreement. Under the readmission agreement, Turkey committed to implementing measures to prevent migrants from crossing into Europe, with European states reciprocating by granting visa liberalization to Turkish citizens. This agreement would allow Turkish citizens to travel within European countries for up to three months, without the right to reside or work there.

The delay in visa processing by European countries complicates ongoing negotiations between Turkey and the EU and raises doubts about the prospects for future talks.


The EU’s hesitation to grant visa liberalization was linked to demands for amendments to Turkey’s counterterrorism legislation, urging a more lenient approach.


This visa liberalization agreement coincided with a period of security challenges for Turkey, with simultaneous attacks from organizations such as Daesh, the PKK, and the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ). Under such circumstances, Turkey had limited flexibility in its fight against terrorism.

The slowdown in visa issuance began during this period in European countries like Spain, France, Germany, and Italy, and notably in the United Kingdom, which is no longer an EU member.

Turkey’s Economic Potential

Despite being the 17th largest global economy, Turkey ranks 10th in terms of consumer spending. The Turkish community holds significant potential for expenditure and travel. While Turkish citizens may be perceived by European countries as seeking permanent settlement, Turkey’s spending capacity and economic strength surpass that of many European nations.

European states have established rules, promoted democracy, and ensured that their actions are bound by law within this democratic context.

From Enlightenment philosophy to contemporary legal structures, EU member states aim to ground their legal frameworks in principles of justification, negotiation, and factual accuracy. However, these legal standards are not consistently applied to Turkish citizens, with visa rejections, especially in Germany, often lacking clear explanations or rational reasons.

Intermittent Discussions

Discussions between Turkey and European countries on this matter persist intermittently. Despite occasional relaxations on visa restrictions, a stable foundation for European-Turkish relations and travel for Turkish citizens to Europe has yet to be established.

In my opinion, European states’ visa restrictions on Turkey undermine the rational coherence of European democracy and contradict positions associated with the traditions of science and the European Enlightenment.

Imperial Pride and Future Prospects

Imperial pride is not easily overcome. Despite diminished global influence, European countries seem reluctant to relinquish the arrogance built over centuries. However, shedding this imperial pride is crucial to facing the reality of their reduced influence. Facilitating visa processes for countries like Turkey, with its economically vibrant citizens and robust travel capabilities, would benefit Europe more than Turkey.

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