
Tier 2 Visa in the UK: Types, Eligibility & Application Process

by Hyacinth

In the landscape of global migration, the United Kingdom stands as one of the prominent destinations for individuals seeking employment opportunities and career advancement. Among the various visa categories available for skilled workers, the Tier 2 visa holds significant importance. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Tier 2 visa in the UK, covering its eligibility criteria, application process, rights and responsibilities, and its implications on both employers and prospective migrants.

Introduction to the Tier 2 Visa

The Tier 2 visa is designed for skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland who have received a job offer from a UK-based employer with a valid sponsorship license. It falls under the Points-Based System (PBS), which assesses applicants based on their skills, qualifications, and prospective contributions to the UK labor market. The Tier 2 visa is further categorized into four main streams:

1. Tier 2 (General): For skilled workers with a job offer in a role that cannot be filled by a resident worker.


2. Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer): For employees of multinational companies who are being transferred to a UK branch of the same organization.


3. Tier 2 (Minister of Religion): For individuals who have been offered a job within a faith community in the UK.

4. Tier 2 (Sportsperson): For elite athletes and coaches whose employment will make a significant contribution to the development of their sport in the UK.

Each stream has specific eligibility requirements and conditions tailored to the nature of the job and the applicant’s qualifications.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a Tier 2 visa, applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria, including:

1. Job Offer: A valid job offer from a UK-based employer with a sponsorship license is essential. The job must meet the skill and salary requirements specified by the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

2. Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): The employer must provide a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) confirming the job offer and detailing the terms of employment.

3. Salary Threshold: Applicants must be offered a salary that meets the minimum income threshold set by the UKVI for their occupation. The threshold varies depending on the job role and the applicant’s circumstances.

4. English Language Proficiency: In most cases, applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by passing a recognized English language test at the required level.

5. Maintenance Funds: Applicants may need to show evidence of sufficient funds to support themselves and any dependents while living in the UK, unless their sponsor certifies maintenance on their behalf.

6. Tuberculosis Test: Some applicants are required to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test and obtain a certificate from an approved clinic as part of the visa application process.

Meeting these eligibility criteria is crucial for a successful Tier 2 visa application.

Application Process

The application process for a Tier 2 visa typically involves the following steps:

1. Job Offer and Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): The applicant must secure a job offer from a UK-based employer who is willing to sponsor their visa. The employer then issues a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to the applicant.

2. Online Application: The applicant completes the online visa application form on the UKVI website, providing personal details, passport information, and details of the job offer and CoS.

3. Biometric Information: Applicants may need to visit a visa application center to provide biometric information, including fingerprints and a digital photograph.

4. Supporting Documents: The applicant must submit supporting documents, including the CoS, proof of qualifications, English language proficiency, and evidence of maintenance funds.

5. Healthcare Surcharge: Applicants are required to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge as part of the application process, which grants access to the National Health Service (NHS) during their stay in the UK.

6. Decision: Once the application is submitted, UKVI will process the visa application and make a decision within a specified timeframe.

7. Visa Collection: If the visa application is approved, the applicant will receive a vignette (visa sticker) in their passport, allowing them to enter the UK. They must collect their Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) within 10 days of arrival in the UK.

Navigating the application process requires careful attention to detail and thorough preparation of supporting documents.

Rights and Responsibilities

Upon receiving a Tier 2 visa, migrants have certain rights and responsibilities that they must adhere to:

1. Right to Work: Tier 2 visa holders have the right to work for their sponsoring employer in the specified job role.

2. Study: They can undertake supplementary study or vocational training, provided it does not interfere with their employment.

3. Healthcare: Tier 2 visa holders are entitled to access healthcare services through the NHS, subject to payment of the Immigration Health Surcharge.

4. Travel: They can travel in and out of the UK, but must ensure that their visa remains valid and that they comply with any travel restrictions.

5. Reporting Obligations: Tier 2 visa holders must report any changes in their circumstances, such as a change of address or employment, to UKVI.

6. Responsible Behavior: They are expected to abide by UK laws and regulations and conduct themselves responsibly while living in the UK.

Understanding and fulfilling these rights and responsibilities is essential for maintaining compliance with visa regulations and ensuring a smooth transition to life in the UK.

Implications for Employers

For employers, obtaining a Tier 2 sponsorship license and hiring skilled workers from overseas can bring both opportunities and challenges:

1. Access to Talent: Employers can access a wider pool of talent by recruiting skilled workers from outside the EEA, enabling them to fill skill gaps and meet their staffing needs.

2. Compliance Requirements: Employers must comply with strict sponsorship duties, including conducting Resident Labor Market Tests (RLMT) where required, maintaining accurate records, and reporting any changes or breaches of immigration rules.

3. Costs and Administrative Burden: Securing a sponsorship license and sponsoring skilled workers can involve significant costs and administrative burdens, including the payment of immigration fees and compliance with ongoing reporting requirements.

4. Skills Transfer and Knowledge Exchange: Employers can facilitate skills transfer and knowledge exchange by bringing in skilled workers from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds, enriching their workforce and promoting innovation.

5. Retention and Development: Retaining skilled migrant workers requires investment in their development and integration within the organization, including providing opportunities for training and career progression.

Overall, the Tier 2 visa scheme offers employers a valuable tool for addressing skills shortages and driving business growth, but it requires careful planning and adherence to immigration regulations.


The Tier 2 visa is a vital pathway for skilled workers from outside the EEA to pursue employment opportunities in the UK. By meeting the eligibility criteria, navigating the application process, and understanding their rights and responsibilities, migrants can make a successful transition to living and working in the UK. Similarly, employers can harness the benefits of recruiting skilled workers from overseas while fulfilling their sponsorship duties and complying with immigration regulations. As the UK continues to evolve as a global hub for talent and innovation, the Tier 2 visa remains a cornerstone of its immigration system, facilitating the movement of skilled workers and driving economic growth.

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