
Who Can Apply for Canadian Citizenship? A Comprehensive Guide

by Hyacinth

Canada is known for its welcoming attitude towards immigrants and its diverse, multicultural society. As a result, many individuals from around the world aspire to become Canadian citizens. However, the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship involves meeting certain criteria and fulfilling specific requirements. In this article, we will explore who is eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship and the steps involved in the application process.

Permanent Residents of Canada

One of the primary pathways to Canadian citizenship is through permanent residency. Permanent residents, also known as landed immigrants, have the right to live, work, and study anywhere in Canada. To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, permanent residents must meet the following criteria:

Be physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days (three years) out of the five years immediately before the date of their application.


Have filed their taxes for at least three years within the five-year period, and any income tax owing must be paid.


Demonstrate adequate knowledge of English or French, the two official languages of Canada, by providing language test results from a designated organization.

Pass a citizenship test on Canadian history, values, institutions, and symbols.

Intend to reside in Canada, work in another country as a public servant, or be employed by a Canadian business or the Canadian Armed Forces.

Children Born to Canadian Citizens

Children born to Canadian citizens, whether inside or outside of Canada, are automatically considered Canadian citizens at birth. This provision applies regardless of the child’s country of birth or the immigration status of the parents. However, parents must take steps to obtain proof of citizenship for their children, such as applying for a Canadian citizenship certificate or a Canadian passport.

Individuals Born in Canada

Anyone born in Canada automatically acquires Canadian citizenship, with a few exceptions. This principle is known as jus soli, meaning “right of the soil.” Even if one or both parents are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents, individuals born in Canada are considered Canadian citizens by birth.

Citizenship by Descent

Individuals born outside Canada to at least one Canadian citizen parent may be eligible for Canadian citizenship by descent. The rules regarding citizenship by descent have undergone several changes over the years, so it is essential to verify eligibility based on the relevant laws in effect at the time of birth.

Adoption by Canadian Citizens

Children adopted by Canadian citizens may be eligible for Canadian citizenship under certain conditions. The adoption must be completed in accordance with the laws of the child’s home country and recognized by Canadian immigration authorities. Additionally, at least one adoptive parent must be a Canadian citizen at the time of the adoption.

Special Cases and Exemptions

There are certain exceptions and special cases where individuals may be eligible for Canadian citizenship or exempt from certain requirements. These include:

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces, who may be eligible for expedited citizenship based on their service.

Individuals who lost their Canadian citizenship due to previous legislation and wish to have it restored under the current laws.

Refugees and stateless persons who have been granted permanent residence in Canada may be eligible for citizenship on an expedited basis.

Dual Citizenship

Canada allows its citizens to hold dual citizenship, meaning they can be citizens of Canada and another country simultaneously. This policy enables individuals to maintain connections with their countries of origin while enjoying the rights and privileges of Canadian citizenship. However, it is essential to verify the laws and regulations of both countries regarding dual citizenship, as some countries may restrict or prohibit it.

Application Process

The process of applying for Canadian citizenship involves several steps, including:

Gathering necessary documents, such as proof of identity, residence, language proficiency, and tax compliance.

Completing the citizenship application form (Application for Canadian Citizenship – Adults or Minors) and paying the required processing fees.

Submitting the application package to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) either online or by mail.

Attending a citizenship interview, if required, to discuss the application and demonstrate language proficiency and knowledge of Canada.

Taking the citizenship test, which assesses knowledge of Canadian history, values, institutions, and symbols.

Waiting for a decision on the application from IRCC, which may take several months.


Becoming a Canadian citizen is a significant milestone for immigrants and their families, offering a sense of belonging, security, and opportunity in one of the world’s most welcoming and diverse countries. Eligibility for Canadian citizenship depends on various factors, including residency status, parentage, and adoption, with specific requirements and procedures to follow. By understanding the criteria and navigating the application process successfully, individuals can realize their dream of becoming Canadian citizens and contributing to the rich tapestry of Canadian society.

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