
Morse Criticizes Ayotte’s Immigration Stance and Unveils Plan to Address Illegal Immigration

by Hyacinth

The debate over immigration has become a focal point in the Republican gubernatorial race in New Hampshire.

Chuck Morse, the former state Senate President, has taken aim at former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, the leading contender in the GOP primary, regarding immigration policy.

Morse, outlining his platform, emphasized his commitment to combating illegal immigration if elected governor. His proposed measures include the prohibition of sanctuary cities, heightened enforcement of trespassing laws to apprehend immigrants without permanent legal status on private property, and the implementation of a zero-tolerance policy targeting fentanyl traffickers.


Speaking on his stance, Morse asserted, “We need to treat these fentanyl dealers like the murderers they are, and the public supports that. They demand legislative action.”


Morse’s criticism of Ayotte centers on her endorsement of a 2013 immigration bill during her tenure in the U.S. Senate, which included provisions for a pathway to citizenship.

“We shouldn’t entertain the notion of providing a pathway to citizenship for those entering the country,” Morse stated. “My opponent advocates for such measures, but I firmly oppose them.”

The exchange underscores the contrasting perspectives within the Republican Party regarding immigration policy, setting the stage for a pivotal issue in the gubernatorial contest.

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